FOX NEWS FIRST: Trump warns against any haste to judgment in the case of a missing activist. Pocahontas Kin in Warren: Sincerely


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In development now, Wednesday, October 17, 2018

  • President Trump has warned of Saudi Arabia 's immediate responsibility to be responsible for the disappearance of a Saudi activist and has urged critics to wait until the end of the investigation. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo landed Wednesday morning in Turkey for talks on the ongoing investigation.
  • In an exclusive interview with Trish Regan of FOX Business, Trump revealed what he thought was the biggest threat to his presidency
  • Released US pastor Andrew Brunson detailed his two-year nightmare ordeal in a Turkish jail in an exclusive interview with Sean Hannity of FOX News
  • A descendant of Pocahontas said that Senator Elizabeth Warren should apologize for falsely claiming the Amerindian heritage for political and professional gain.
  • Roseanne Barr unveiled her character's fate at ABC's "The Connors" premiere on Tuesday night

THE LEAD STORY – TRUMP WARNING AGAINST KAVANAUGH 'APPROACH APPROVED UNTIL TRUELY INNOCENT & # 39; IN SAUDI ARABIA: President Trump warns of Saudi Arabia's responsibility for the disappearance of militant Jamal Khashoggi before the end of the investigation … "I think we must first know what happened," Trump said in an interview with The Associated Press. "Here we go again with, you know, you're guilty until proven otherwise. I do not like that. We just experienced this with Judge Kavanaugh and he was innocent until my point of view. "

Khashoggi, who had written for the Washington Post on Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, disappeared two weeks ago during a visit to the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. Turkish officials have expressed concern that Khashoggi will be killed and dismembered inside the consulate. Saudi leaders have denied any knowledge of
The fate of Khashoggi or be involved in his disappearance. Several media reported on Monday that the Saudi government could publicly reveal that dishonest intelligence agents have assassinated Khashoggi by mistake inside the kingdom's consulate in Istanbul earlier this month during a police raid. wrong interrogation.

President Trump said he spoke to Saudi King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and denied knowing what had happened to
Khashoggi. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo met on Tuesday with Saudi leaders, including the King and Crown Prince, and stressed to them the need for a "thorough" investigation. Saudi leaders "have firmly denied any information about what happened in their consulate in Istanbul," Pompeo said in a press release from the state department. He arrived in Turkey on Wednesday morning for talks on the disappearance of the Washington Post columnist.

FOX BUSINESS EXCLUSIVE: TRUMP VS. THE FEDERAL RESERVE: If you ask President Donald Trump, the biggest threat to his presidency is not the investigation of Robert Mueller's special adviser, nor the potential insurgency of the Democrats in the November mid-term elections. : it's the Federal Reserve … "My biggest threat is the Fed," Trump said Tuesday during an interview with Trish Regan of FOX Business. "Because the Fed is raising rates too quickly and is too independent," he complains.

So far this year, policymakers have already voted in favor of a three-fold increase in short-term interest rates. They are ready to do it again in December, maintaining the course that they had laid out at the end of last year. The Fed also expects three more rate hikes in 2019 and one in 2020.

EXCLUSIVE FOX NEWS: A PASTOR FREEDOM REFLECTS ON "A VERY DIFFICULT TIME": Evangelical Christian pastor Andrew Brunson, released from Turkish prison on Friday, spoke to Sean Hannity on Tuesday night about his detention and meeting with President Trump … Brunson, who was at the center of a Turkish-American. diplomatic dispute that had even sparked the outcry of American evangelical groups, was released under house arrest after almost two years in prison. The pastor, charged with terrorism-related charges, was found guilty Friday but was released for serving his sentence. Brunson told Hannity that he was "shocked" to be charged with terrorism and explained what it felt like to be detained in an overcrowded prison cell. "It was a very difficult time. I was surprised because I had never considered prison as a possibility and the costs for that, "replied the pastor. "I was isolated by culture and language but especially by religion. It was very difficult to be the only Christian among them.

WARREN & # 39; FAUXCAHONTAS & # 39; SLAMS RELATIVE SLAMS: A descendant of the 17th century princess, Pocahontas, asked American Senator Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass. Warren released Monday the results of his DNA tests, which would have proved his Native American ancestry. But President Trump and other Republican critics have ruled the dubious results at best, and some Democrats have blamed Warren for removing the party's message before the crucial mid-term elections. Debbie White Dove Porreco said Tuesday in "Tucker Carlson Tonight" that she was happy that Warren had passed the DNA test. Porreco asked Warren to do so at a program appearance on May 1 st. "This proved that she was not the Cherokee Indian she claimed to be for so long," she said. "I think she's guilty of having claimed that she is Indian, but that she has no evidence – and then [is] use it for academic purposes and for political reasons ".

SPOILER ALERT – ROSEANNE LAMENTS HIS BECOME: (Editor's Note: skip this paragraph if you are a fan of Roseanne Barr and you have not had the chance to witness the creation of "The Connors" .) … Roseanne Barr blamed ABC for killing her character at the premiere of "The Connors" on Tuesday night, a fallout from the reboot of "Roseanne" canceled earlier this year after Barr posted a racist tweet about of Valerie Jarrett, an official of the Obama era. The show revealed that the controversial figure had been killed by an overdose of pain medication. Killing Roseanne Conner's character was "a useless and morbid dimension in an otherwise happy family show," Barr and her rabbi, Shmuley Boteach, said in a joint statement.


O ARE THE FEMINISTS AND THE FIRST DAMES? – "It's the most exclusive club in the world and it includes Mrs. Carter, Michelle Obama, Laura Bush, and I keep asking myself," Where are they? "This is the ultimate brotherhood, if you will, and they have remained silent about the treatment of Melania Trump" – Rachel Campos-Duffy, a FOX News contributor, in "FOX & Friends," calling on the "First Ladies Club" to condemn the mistreatment of Melania Trump, in response to a rapper TI's video that shows a woman who looks like first lady performing a striptease in the oval office. WATCH

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On FOX News:

FOX & FriendsSpecial guests include: Pastor Andrew Brunson and his wife Norine; Tomi Lahren; Rep. Marsha Blackburn, GOP candidate in the Senate for Tennessee.

Hannity, 9 pm ET: Special guests include: Newt Gingrich; US Representative Martha McSally, Republican Senate Candidate at the GOP for Arizona.

On FOX Business:

Morning with Maria, 6 am: special guests include: US representative John Ratcliffe, Texas; Martin Feldstein, former economic adviser to President Reagan; Robert Jordan, former United States Ambassador to Saudi Arabia under the presidency of George W. Bush; Charlotte Pence, daughter of Vice President Mike Pence and author of "Where You Go".

Varney & Co., 9 am ET: Varney & Co. will broadcast live from the White House for three hours. Special guests include: Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke; Kellyanne Conway, advisor to President Trump; Mick Mulvaney, Director, Office of Management and Budget; Linda McMahon, Administrator, US Small Business Administration; Larry Kudlow, Director of the National Economic Council; Secretary of Transportation, Elaine Chao; Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue; Kevin Hassett, President of the Council of Economic Advisers of the White House.

Cavuto: side by side, Noon HE: Nile Gardiner, Director of the Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom at the Heritage Foundation; David Walker, former US controller.

Make money with Charles Payne, 2 pm ET: Andy Puzder, former CEO of CKE Restaurants; Danielle DiMartino Booth, CEO of Quill Intelligence; Gary Kaltbaum, President of Kaltbaum Capital Management; Sean O. Hara, president of the Pacer ETFs.

Countdown to the closing bell with Liz Claman3:00 pm ET: Jonathan Schanzer, Executive Vice President of the Democracy Foundation.

Kennedy Live, 9 pm ET: Special guests include: Steve Hilton, host of "The Next Revolution"; Andrew McCarthy, contributor to FOX News; Gary Johnson, libertarian candidate in the Senate for New Mexico.

On FOX News Radio:

The FOX News Rundown podcast: US Senator Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., Said that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman was to "leave" and promised that he would support sanctions against his country for the disappearance of the missing activist, Jamal Khashoggi. Senator Graham is ringing and weighing halfway through. On Monday, a lawsuit alleging racial discrimination against Asian-American claimants during the admission process at Harvard University was the subject of a lawsuit in Boston. Susan Li, FOX Business reporter, discusses the details of this controversial case. In addition, comments from columnist and the New York Post, Karol Markowicz.

Do you want FOX News Rundown to be sent directly to your mobile device? Subscribe via Apple Podcasts, Google Play and Stitcher.

Brian Kilmeade's show, 9:00: The latest developments regarding the missing activist, Jamal Khashoggi, and the intermediate interviews will be the subject of debate with the following guests: Deroy Murdock, Allen West, Anthony Salvanto, John James and Bob Stefanowski.


1939 Frank Capra's comedy drama "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington," starring James Stewart as an idealist Senegalese senator, is premiering in the nation's capital.

1933 Albert Einstein arrives in the United States as a refugee from Nazi Germany.

1931 Al Capone is sentenced in Chicago for tax evasion.

FOX News First is compiled by Bryan Robinson of FOX News. Thank you for joining us! Enjoy your day! We will see you in your inbox as early as Thursday morning.

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