Fox News Poll: Blackburn earns three points in race at Tennessee Senate


President Trump won Tennessee by 26 percentage points, and he remains popular in the volunteer state.

By a margin of 20 points, voters in Tennessee approve the work he does (58-38%) and, by an 8-point margin, their vote in the race in the Senate will be to express their support for the president (35% ). rather than opposition to him (27%).


That helps Republican Marsha Blackburn, the great Democrat Phil Bredesen, but he's surprisingly close, considering Trump's broad victory two years ago. According to a poll by Fox News on voters in Tennessee, Blackburn gets 47% of votes against 44% in Bredesen in the race for the presidency of the Senate. Its three-point advantage lies in the sampling error margin of the survey.

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Candidates vie for the seat of Republican Senator Bob Corker.

Eighty-one percent of Bredesen's lenders are certain to vote for him, compared to 74 percent for Blackburn. Overall, one in five says he could change his choice before November. With another eight percent undecided in their choice of vote, there is room for the race to change.

Everyone who endorses Trump does not support Blackburn, and it's a close race. Among Trump's approvers, 76% go to Blackburn and 16% to Bredesen, who was governor of Tennessee from 2003 to 2011.

Bredesen gets 93 percent of Democrats, while Blackburn gets 83 percent of the GOP vote.

Blackburn is up 15 points for men, 15 points for whites and 35 points for evangelical white Christians. Bredesen is preferred by 9 points for women, 10 points for under-45s and 61 points for non-whites.

The economy is the main concern of likely voters in Tennessee. Twenty-nine percent say it will be the most important for their vote in the Senate, followed closely by 27 percent who say health care.

Voters in the economy choose Blackburn (+9), while those who give priority to healthcare go strongly to Bredesen (+35).

Candidates are about as popular, with just over half having a favorable opinion of Bredesen (54 vs. 36 unfavorable) and Blackburn (51-39%).

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"Bredesen is at Blackburn's fingertips, which is unusual for a Tennessee Democrat," said Republican pollster Daron Shaw, who leads the Fox News poll with Democrat Chris Anderson.

"But Bredesen is personally popular, with a clean +18 rating, and he has gained 13 points among those who are" extremely interested "in the race, which should cause some anxiety in the Blackburn camp.

When voters are asked to compare the financial situation of their family to that of two years ago, more than twice as many say that things are better (34%) than worse (15%). For half, 50% is the same thing.

Opinions are divided on the president's trade policy, with 39% saying they help the US economy and 37% that they suffer.

In the race for the governor, Tennessee voters probably support Republican Bill Lee (55%) against Democrat Karl Dean (35%) by 20 points. Sixteen percent of those who support Bredesen in the Senate race have party lines to support Lee.

The Fox News survey is led by Anderson Robbins Research (D) and Shaw & Company Research (R). The survey was conducted from September 8 to 11, 2018 by telephone (land line and cell phone) with live interviewers among 686 likely voters from Tennessee and a sampling margin of plus or minus 3, 5 percentage points. Registered voters were randomly selected from a national electoral register and respondents answered selection questions regarding their likelihood of voting in the November elections.

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