Fox News ruled and failed to shame Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for worrying about D.C.'s rent.


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez


"It's strange to see the presenters of 1% messing up laughing at the housing crisis in the United States."

Now that the elections are over, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is officially the youngest woman and the first socialist in decades to be elected to the House of Representatives. And for someone from the working class who used to work as a bartender, going to the DC can sometimes be discouraging. In a long recent interview, she told the New York Times that the transition to Congress and the transition to DC were "very unusual, because I can not really take a salary. I have three months without pay before being a congressman. So, how can I get an apartment? These little things are very real. "

It is difficult to settle in one of the most expensive cities in the United States, even if you have a salary and did not work as a bartender before taking a break to attend the Congress. But the compassionate people at Fox News – still obsessed with the whereabouts of Ocasio-Cortez – thought the comment was either a political ploy or a hilarious example of how stupid it was to budget. By NBC News:

Fox News staffer Judy Miller described the activity as a "bright political line" that will appeal to her base, but she also admitted that the cost of living in Washington, DC is high.

"I think she's talking about all the money in Washington, all the wealth in Washington, all the power and a small person as simple as the one she's living in New York." York can not find a place to live, "said Miller.

Fox News correspondent Ed Henry criticized Ocasio-Cortez on the panel, suggesting that she could have saved her money rather than kissing her new celebrity.

"Some of her photos (photos) that she had during the election campaign, she had held several thousand dollars that could pay a monthly rent in Washington, DC," he said.

Twitter users have quickly pointed out that, first, no one can keep the clothes they wear during a photo shoot and, secondly, what is so funny to see How expensive is rent?

But Ocasio-Cortez does not seem to need anyone to defend himself, tweeting: "It's strange to see 1% presenters messing up the housing crisis in the United States." She added:

This is not the first time Fox personalities have been talking about trying to demolish their political opponents. Sometimes they are so invested in the attack that they can forget that they have an audience beyond Donald Trump.

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