Fox News vs. & # 39; the other networks': Cable TV Channels Oppose to Link Trump's Rhetoric to Bomb Attempts


Anchors and commentators of CNN and Fox News are bursting against each other over the cover of the 10 suspicious packages containing homemade bombs destined for critics of President Trump. One of these packages, found Wednesday morning in CNN's New York office mailroom, forced the network into a unique position, not only for the newspaper's coverage, but also at the center of the newspaper. (Federal investigators are still searching for the source of the devices and there is no evidence to suggest that this was motivated by political considerations.)

In his cover, CNN, whose president, Jeff Zucker, has condemned the "ongoing attacks against the media, "Criticized statements made by Trump and White House officials, including press secretary Sarah Sanders, following the announcement of homemade bombs. Trump and Sanders publicly condemned the bombs, but they quickly accused the "mainstream media" of exacerbating the already divisive climate of the country.

Meanwhile, Fox News – a network known for its passionate coverage of Trump and its propensity to report news differently than other media – has taken a similar stance. On Wednesday, hosts Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham all launched criticism against Democrats and the media.

"The president condemned these acts and was immediately reprimanded by the Democratic Party for condemning these acts, which is insufficient," said Carlson on his show.

Hannity accused "the media, the left, the Democrats" of wanting to "score cheap political points and a political victory".

"Fingers pointing to Trump all day on other networks, which I found disgusting, continued all night," said Ingraham at "The Ingraham Angle".

On Thursday, CNN's Chris Cuomo did not hold back, bitterly reproaching Fox, Sanders and the president himself.

"The president wanted to say what he said last night about what he would do to improve the situation, which was not an easy task," said Cuomo, referring to the speech from Trump at a rally Wednesday in Wisconsin. "Indeed, they started shortly after the bombs were discovered and have grown from hour to hour since, he and his proxies at the Fox, his mouths and his pasta, they all reinforced the rhetoric."

Yet Cuomo pointed out that despite all his talk, Trump "still has not said a word," nor to "any of the targeted targets, which include, apart from his own network, former Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton., Former Vice President Joe Biden and others.

Continuing to criticize the president for taking no responsibility and blaming the media, Cuomo then turned to Fox.

"They sit on the couch and they listen and nod," said Cuomo after airing a clip of "Fox & Friends." "Not here."

Trump, he said, is "surrounded by those who acquiesce and echo his hypocrisy," adding "those who practice the dance of twisted facts and erroneous stories that I would call the trot fox", putting a special emphasis on the "fox".

Cuomo also referred to a tweet now removed from Fox Business's host, Lou Dobbs, who had written: "Fake News – Fake Bombs – Who could benefit from so much deception?"

On Thursday, on his show, Dobbs retorted to CNN for accusing Trump, saying"It's amazing for me."

Coincidentally, Trump tweeted a similar complaint at 3:14 am on Friday morning.

Back at CNN, Cuomo was waiting. While playing excerpts from Carlson, Hannity and Ingraham, which he collectively called "The Trump Trinity", Cuomo pointed out that the Carlson broadcast, aired on Wednesday, did not even name CNN as the most important thing. one of the bombing targets, simply referring to the network as "media" in text that appeared on the screen.

"Are we really here?" Cuomo asked incredulously. "And to say that I was comforted by their reporting yesterday and their conciliatory tone. False civility, I suppose. "

He continued, "If it was you who had been targeted by a kamikaze in a thinly veiled attempt to support the left … God forbid, I hope you and your families will be safe. . "

Cuomo then accused Fox News of "turning a blind eye to the media that they claim to be outside the moment they are attacked."

"I do not understand," he says. "Did you need the bomb to explode? Would that have been important?

In each of their Thursday segments, however, Fox News hosts did not retreat. All playing a few variations of the same clips including CNN and MSNBC segments linking Trump's language to the attacks, they vividly decried the implication that the president might be to blame.

"It went on like that all day, with maximum justice," Carlson said of the cover.

Hannity condemned the attempts to attack, calling the bomber serial serial "monster", but then said: "The sad part of the story is that of those who want to politicize that."

In the Ingraham broadcast, the host started as planned, slamming "some media organizations" for what she called "vicious finger pointing."

"It's irresponsible and outrageous for these people to even imply that these despicable acts were caused by our commander-in-chief," Ingraham said. "And the media are wondering why the American people have less and less respect for them."

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