Fox's Jarrett rips CNN's Lemon has 'a racist, hypocrite and idiot all rolled into one'


Fox News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett on Wednesday called Don Lemon "a racist, hypocrite and idiot all rolled up one" after CNN anchor said "the biggest terror threat in this country is white men."

"CNN's Don Lemon has now gone out of his way, he's a racist, hypocrite and idiot all rolled into one," Jarrett tweeted. "Quite the accomplishment."

Jarrett, a form MSNBC and Court TV anchor, joined other media members, mainly conservatives, who slammed Lemon for comments made Monday night and have gone viral.

"Lemon said to fellow CNN anchor Chris Cuomo as the latest in the world. handed off his show.

"There is no ban on – you know, they had the Muslim," Lemon added.

Lemon was referred to a U.S. by the Trump administration in early 2017. The Supreme Court upheld the ban in June 5-4 vote.

Responses from other Fox News and news soon followed by Lemon's comments made the rounds online.

Lemon, who joined CNN in 2006, has anchored CNN Tonight since 2014.

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