Frankie Grande's Instagram After Ariana Grande & Pete Davidson's Reported Breakup Might Hold A Hidden Clue


What was once? The Summer of Love seems to be turning into the Fall of Heartbreak. That's right, people. Celebrity hearts are breaking just as quickly And, the most recent casualty of the Fall of Heartbreak? Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson. Much to the dismay of their fans, they have reportedly broken up … or have they? Frankie Grande's Instagram after Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson's hinted that they're not all over the place.

What was this illusive Instagram, you ask? Allow me to explain. Just in time for a short break in the life of a little girlfriend, Pete Davidson, Great Britain. for everything but gonna be ok. ??. "

Now, obviously, the caption could have been referring to … well, literally anything else. But people are taking care that Ariana and Pete might not be broken up, after all. (In particular, it's the combination of the winky face the end and the suspicious timing – posted just 12 hours after the news of the rumored breakup broke the split, according to Cosmo.

I see the point. Why put that all-knowing winky face in there ?! It's confusing. But I do not necessarily think it's a super strong box.

While I'd really Pete and Ariana are still a couple, I do not buy it. Right when the news leaked, Frankie posted a video on his Instagram story dedicated to Ariana. "Good morning to my beautiful, beautiful sister," he said. "I love you so much and you're just right now in Iceland, just listen." At that point he started singing her song, "breathin," adding, "You know you're gotta keep, keep on breathing, that's true."

I do not know about you video is not something Was not going through a breakup. That's got supportive breakup message written all over it.

And the fact that he posted the picture with the "everything's gonna be ok" caption 12 hours later? It could have been OK in her sister's life, DESPITE the fact that she's going through this split right now! Not that the split simply did not happen.

Jason Merritt / Getty Images Entertainment / Getty Images

Oh, and do not even get me started Ariana just bailed on a charity function for Scooter Braun, her friend and manager, this past Saturday night. "Someone I'm very close to being here for you today, and because of things that she's going through," Scooter told the crowd. "And while I was frustrated, being the manager, my wife, being just looked at, she's going, 'She needs this time.'"

David Livingston / Getty Images Entertainment / Getty Images

She needs time? She's got things that she's going through? Obviously, again, we do not know for sure, but I think we can agree that this sounds very breakup-ish.

That being said, multiple sources told People that they saw Ariana at Pete's taping of SNL that night before the alleged split. Another source confirmed to People that the two were very much together on Saturday. "They totally could get back together because of those two," the insider told People. "Honestly, who knows – they were fully together on Saturday."

Jamie McCarthy / Getty Images Entertainment / Getty Images

The whole thing is very confusing. And, hey, they probably Were together on Saturday. But if it was said to be extremely important, to have two theories:

1.) She wanted to break up with him and knew it in person.

2.) Their relationship was already in trouble and was trying to save it that did not pan out.

Either way, I'm convinced they were broken up by Sunday. Will they get back together? That I'm not sure about. Who knows ?! Love works in mysterious ways.

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