Frankie Muniz "devastated and exhausted" after a very bad week of death and disaster


The former star of "Malcolm in the Middle" can certainly have some good news.

Dance with the stars: Juniors Co-host Frankie Muniz goes through a terrible week and shared all the details in a series of social media publications throughout this difficult time.

November 6th Malcolm in the middle alum posted a smiling photo in which he was surrounded by Double Stuff Oreo cookies on Instagram.

"It's easily one of the best days of my life," he writes jokingly as a photo caption.

A few days later, he left for a well deserved vacation in France with his beautiful girlfriend, Paige Price.

Things seemed to be going well for the 32-year-old star.

But on November 15, after returning to California, the situation began to deteriorate rather quickly.

Muniz wrote a tweet explaining that his uncle Skip had died and that his house had been flooded because of his own cat.

"I went home after my uncle's funeral to find 4 of my Brownstone houses on 5 floors under 3 feet of water," he said sadly. Twitter.

"All that I possess, destroys. Every wall, every piece of art, every picture, every piece of furniture … All because my cat accidentally lit a sink a few days ago when we were gone.

In other tweethe said that the events of the week had left him "devastated and exhausted".

"I cried more yesterday and today than all my life. Forgive me for venting. I just need a little support.

However, in the next edition of Muniz Twitter message, he explained that he was getting a lot of support to help him get through the pain and trauma of his two-year-old girlfriend and fashion model and actress Price.

"I would be lost without her. She is so strong and exactly what I need, "said the man who was ranked third of season 25 Dance with the stars in 2017.

As if he were penalized enough by death and destruction, Muniz could not even relax at the hotel he had to book because he could not stay in his flood-damaged house.

"I just woke up to the fire alarms and had to evacuate the hotel in which we are staying because of what happened to our house. This week has been rich in events, "he said. tweeted early morning of Saturday 17 November.

Let's hope things start soon for the talented artist. In addition to his concert co-host on DWTS: Juniors, Muniz has a leading role in the psychological thriller, The black string, and manages the alternative group Astro Lasso.

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