Frankie Muniz reveals that her cat was flooded at home


Frankie Muniz was already going through a difficult time crying the death of his uncle – and then his cat flooded his house.

the Malcolm in the middle Alun detailed the unlikely series of events on Twitter earlier this week.

"I went home after my uncle's funeral to find 4 of my brownstone houses on 5 floors under 3 feet of water. Everything I own, destroys. Every wall, every piece of art, every picture, every piece of furniture, "he tweeted. "All because my cat accidentally lit a sink a few days ago while we were away."

"I am devastated and exhausted by a difficult week with the loss of my Uncle Skip, 45 hours of travel to and from France to find this disaster. I cried more yesterday and today, then all my life. Forgive me for letting me go, "Muniz continued. "I just need support."

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He thanked his girlfriend, Paige Price, for helping her during the difficult ordeal. "Thank God, I have @paigey_price to help me overcome that. I would be lost without her. She is so strong and exactly what I need, "Muniz said.

"I know it sounds ridiculous, but I swear it's true," he added. "You would not believe destruction."

"Start the process of removing every article today," Price said on his Instagram story, according to a screengrab taken by Yahoo! "Fortunately, not all of our furniture is destroyed, but every wall, floor and ceiling must be torn off and replaced to reduce the risk of mold."

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The actor 's luck had not improved by Saturday. "I just woke up at the fire alarms and had to evacuate the hotel where we are staying because of what happened to our house," he said. day. "It has been a hectic week."

In April, Muniz, 32, released a snapshot of a white cat with black spots on the kitchen counter and joked, "Jeri just thinks she's the owner of the kitchen." in law !!!

Back in 2017, Muniz is open to PEOPLE on the aftermath of his racing car accident in 2009.

"My car turned around and I crashed against a wall," he said. "In the end, I broke my back, ankle, four ribs and my hand. My thumb hung by the skin. "

Since 2012, he has undergone about 15 mini-hits. "I consulted so many neurologists who did all the tests," he explained. "I have no answer as to why this is happening. I was so tired of trying to find an answer that I no longer thought of looking for an answer. I accepted it. "

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Sure Dance with the stars That same year, Muniz revealed that he also had a memory loss. "In the last 10 years, my mother has told us things like trips or important events and these are new stories for me," he told PEOPLE.

"I do not know what's the cause. It's not something I looked at, I just thought it was the way my brain was … so I thought it was normal. I did not know I should remember being Emmys when I was younger, "he added.

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