Fresno bee approves Andrew Janz for outgoing GOP incumbent, Devin Nunes


For the first time in 16 years, Fresno Bee is endorsing someone other than the incumbent Republican Representative, Devin Nunes, in the California District Congress race.

"Today, Fresno Bee has taken a step forward since 2002: it recommends a candidate for the 22nd Congressional Legislature who is not Devin Nunes," the editorial board wrote in a burning editorial on Saturday.

The Bee has announced its support for Democratic challenger Nunes, political newcomer Andrew Janz. According to the newspaper's editorial board, Janz, Fresno attorney, "offers the best chance" of representing the district and bringing bipartisanship to Washington, DC.

The bee hailed Janz's outsider status operating outside the Democratic establishment, noting that the moderate 34-year-old "may act with a degree of independence from party politics" and do what he thinks is best for the 22nd District. " Janz raised more KQED and Mother Jones yielded more money than any of Nunes' previous Democratic challengers

Nunes is at odds with the newspaper in his hometown, which his campaign described as "a good example of false news" after the newspaper revealed its long-standing investment in a vineyard continued in 2016 for a party held around the world. a yacht full of cocaine and prostitute.

Tensions increased this week after his campaign sent a 40-page letter to voters who were trying to discredit the newspaper.

The cover featured an illustration of drunk bees drinking Kool-Aid on a ship capsizing, sinking into a sea littered with socialist propaganda.

The newspaper, which said Nunes had refused to be interviewed, also criticized his bias to protect President Donald Trump from the investigation of Russia and his vote on health care that would have limited Medicaid.

On the other hand, The Bee praised Jantz's position on gun control as a gun owner, his support for pre-existing conditions and his concern to find a solution to the growing water problems in the valley. Central.

Nunes and The Fresno Bee did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

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