From reality TV in U.N., Trump will brandish a hammer from the Security Council


UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) – He chaired the boardroom meetings, cabinet meetings and starred in a reality show, but on Wednesday, US President Donald Trump will denounce Iran for its evil regional. behavior.

US President Donald Trump meets with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi at the US General Assembly in New York, USA on September 20, 2017. REUTERS / Kevin Lamarque

Trump is able to chair the 15-member council as the United States holds the rotating monthly presidency, which coincides with the annual gathering of world leaders at the United Nations in New York this week.

"I'm sure this will be the most watched Security Council meeting ever," said US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley.

But despite Trump's unpredictability, some diplomats do not expect a reality show at the Security Council, where almost all members would be represented by their prime minister or president, with the exception of Russia and Russia. China.

"I do not think it's so entertaining," said an American diplomat, on condition of anonymity.

"Even those who do not like it, the attitude of all other heads of state and government at a public meeting against a president of the United States of America must be on their best behavior," he said. declared the diplomat.

It is rare that the council – formed in 1945 to maintain international peace and security – meets at the level of heads of state and governments. This will be the third time that this body will be chaired by a US president. It has the ability to impose sanctions or to authorize the use of military force.

Trump's predecessor, Barack Obama, chaired the 2009 and 2014 meetings on nuclear non-proliferation and foreign terrorist fighters. In both cases, the board adopted resolutions on the topics under discussion. US Ambassador Nikki Haley said there was no plan to adopt a resolution at Wednesday's meeting.

"We want to make sure that (Iran) understands that the world is watching. This is the main reason for this meeting, "she said earlier this month.

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The topic of the meeting will be the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, a broad issue that allows leaders around the iron table to raise a variety of topics from North Korea to chemical attacks in Syria and Great Britain. Britain.

However, Trump reported on Twitter that he would target Iran when he posted, "I will be chairing a United Nations Security Council meeting on Iran." Tehran has accused the United States of abusing the power of the United States. President of the Security Council.

The United States Briefing Note on the meeting circulated to Security Council members does not specifically mention any country.

"The purpose of this meeting is to discuss how the Security Council can better implement the resolutions it has adopted … to counter the spread and use of the most dangerous weapons in the world," reads.

The role of the President of the Security Council is usually administrative and neutral. The President is responsible for planning and chairing Council meetings and informing other Member States and the press of the work of the Council.

Trump will have a binder in front of him to read Wednesday's meeting. It will first be a national statement and it will probably take about two hours for all council members to speak. Haley twice took council envoys to Washington, where they met with Trump.

Russia has shielded Iran from US attempts to get the Security Council to call Tehran for charges that Iran has supplied weapons to Yemen's Houthi group.

Asked what he thought of Trump presiding over a meeting of the Security Council, Russian Ambassador to the United Nations Vassily Nebenzia said with a smile, "I felt delighted". "

Reportage by Michelle Nichols; Editing by Yara Bayoumy, James Dalgleish and Diane Craft

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