From recognizing signs to seeking help, here's how we can prevent suicides


A person who is thinking of committing suicide may not be asking for help, but only because they want to deal with the pain, the humiliation or whatever it is difficult to stop desperately.

According to WHO estimates, there are approximately one million people commit suicide around the world. This equates to one death every 40 seconds or 3,000 a day.

A report published by the World Health Organization (WHO) stated that India is one of the major contributors to suicide deaths caused by depression and anxiety in Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific region, which includes China.

Even more frightening is the rising rate of suicide among young people in India. India has the highest suicide rate in the world among young people aged 15 to 29, according to Lancet report.

From recognizing signs to seeking help, here's how we can prevent suicides


According to India, the suicide rate among 15-29 year olds was 35.5 per 100,000, the highest rate in the world. In comparison, the overall suicide rate was 21.1 per 100,000, which is lower than other countries.

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    In fact, a study by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) reveals that a student commits suicide every hour in the country. Arjun Bhardwaj's live incident on Facebook, which became widespread on social media last year, is a testament to this trend.

    From recognizing signs to seeking help, here's how we can prevent suicides


    For all those who commit suicide, at least 20 others do it. If we want to change this situation or at least reduce this growing suicide rate, which we can collectively, here's what we need to do:

    We must eliminate the social stigma that surrounds it

    From recognizing signs to seeking help, here's how we can prevent suicides


    If we are to allow open debate on the subject of suicide and deep-seated depression, there should be no shame in talking about it to break the silence that still surrounds this taboo subject. People with suicidal tendencies can talk openly about it only if they understand that there are people who have similar thoughts and who agree to talk and have a personal discussion with relatives and relatives.

    Learn to read the warning signs

    From recognizing signs to seeking help, here's how we can prevent suicides


    One of the most important but overlooked aspects is to recognize the moment when someone has suicidal thoughts because of the difficulties that he might be facing. The signs, such as extreme isolation, withdrawal from everyone and all things and extreme self-hate thoughts are strong indications. If you look closely and can detect these signs of depression, you can help them cope and reduce their suffering.

    Be aware and prepared and know where to look for help when needed

    From recognizing signs to seeking help, here's how we can prevent suicides


    If you are worried about someone who seems suicidal, who might be afraid to talk to anyone about it or who might not be able to handle it yourself, it is better to ask for help from one of the organizations present. In case of emergency, you can contact organizations such as Roshni, COOJ, the Sneha India Foundation, National Suicide Prevention Lifeline and the National Institute of Mental Health, on their respective support lines.

    We must overcome the myths surrounding suicides

    From recognizing signs to seeking help, here's how we can prevent suicides


    Myth # 1. People who talk about suicide are not going to seriously

    Even joking indirect statements about death or suicide are clues. Therefore, talking about it openly and discussing it as a relevant issue can give a suicidal person the confidence to openly talk about their problems.

    Myth # 2. People who commit suicide have mental problems

    The fact is that most people who do or have such thoughts do not really suffer from mental disorders. They are simply facing extreme distress and pain, perhaps over a long period of time.

    Myth # 3. You can not prevent a person who has decided to commit suicide

    The people who commit suicide do it only because the troubles they are going through are so bad that they do not know how to stop it. The intervention can actually change the mind of a suicidal person for not doing it, even until the last minute.

    We must choose our words carefully, as this can also reduce the incidence of suicide

    From recognizing signs to seeking help, here's how we can prevent suicides


    It turns out that the choice of the word used in suicide press reports has a measurable impact on how readers perceive and subsequently evaluate the act of suicide, according to a new study by Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat München, published in the journal Social Sciences and Medicine. WHO recommends that We should refrain from calling "successful" or "unsuccessful" suicide, as these terms may imply and describe death as a desirable outcome. Instead, it is recommended to write "death by suicide".

    At the end of the day, breaking down the stigma and shame surrounding mental illness, sensitizing people with suicidal tendencies and consciously choosing our words and deeds can help stop rising suicides and prevent a loved one .

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