From "sativa" to "CBD", common terms on cannabis to know


As recreational cannabis sales are expected to begin on October 17, it is understandable that many Canadians are still unclear about weed words like "sativa" and "CBD". To help you navigate the new landscape.

What is the difference between "cannabis", "marijuana" and "hemp"?

"Cannabis", the word used in current government literature, refers to a genus of Asian flowering plants of the family Cannabaceae.

The term "cannabis" is often used interchangeably with the word "marijuana" (sometimes spelled "marihuana"), a term native to Mexico but considered by some to be racial.

"Hemp" refers specifically to commercially grown cannabis plants, such as textiles, ropes, cosmetics and food products such as hemp seeds rich in protein and essential fatty acids. Hemp usually has negligible levels of chemical compound that makes you high.

So what is that "dope", "pot" and "weed"?

Depending on where you are (or the decade you were born), the common slang terms for the cannabis plant (or dried parts that are smoked) include bud, chronic, dope, ganja, grass, green, grass, Mary Jane, MJ, pot, reefer, skunk (for cannabis with a very distinctive smell), trees, goofy tobacco and weeds. There are many, many more.

What does "sativa" and "indica" mean? Are there different types of cannabis plants?

There are two main types of cannabis: Cannabis sativa and Cannabis Indica. "Sativas" tend to have more energizing and cerebral effects when they are used for recreational purposes, while "indicas" tend to have more sedative and physical effects. Sativas, however, can cause paranoia and anxiety in some users.

In terms of physical differences, indica plants are darker, shorter and bushier than sativas, which are tall and lean. A third species, Cannabis ruderalis, is rarely grown.

There are different types of sativas and indica, called "strains", which often have trade names such as "Sour Diesel" and "Bubba Kush". "Kush", a term sometimes used interchangeably with cannabis, may specifically refer to strains from the Hindu Kush mountain range that straddles Afghanistan and Pakistan.

A "hybrid" also refers to a plant that is a genetic cross between different strains of cannabis. Hybrid strains, which may be dominant in indica or sativa, are raised to combine the desired traits of their parent plants.

So what are "THC", "CBD" and "cannabinoids"?

In simple terms, "cannabinoids" are a class of about 100 known chemical compounds, unique to cannabis, responsible for the psychoactive and therapeutic effects of plants. The most important cannabinoids are delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (or "THC" for short) and cannabidiol (or "CBD").

THC is the psychoactive compound that makes you become "high". It can often be seen as tiny trichromes of the crystal type on the plant. CBD is responsible for many physical effects of plants and has been used to treat anxiety, pain, inflammation, insomnia, nausea and even epilepsy in the medical world. When cannabis becomes legally available for recreational use in Canada, products will be labeled with percentages of THC and CBD. The higher the number, the stronger the product.

You can also hear the term "terpene", which refers to a large class of organic compounds that give cannabis varieties their distinctive flavors and aromas. It is said that the terpene profile of the indica strain "Blueberry", for example, gives it a sweet taste of berries. Terpenes are also thought to have an impact on the effects of different strains.

How will cannabis be sold?

The dried flowers of the female cannabis plant are the most used by recreational users. Also called "buds", dried cannabis flowers tend to be dense and sticky. They also contain the highest proportion of cannabinoids in the plant. Rather than being bright and pretty like roses or daisies, cannabis flowers look more like hoops of dried oregano. The leaves, stems and stems of plants are rarely consumed for recreational purposes.

Cannabis oil, which will also be available on October 17, refers to a product in which cannabinoids are extracted from plants and sold in liquid form.

In addition to dried cannabis flowers and cannabis oil, fresh cannabis, live cannabis plants and cannabis seeds were also approved for sale on October 17.

There are also extremely powerful "concentrates" that may not be legally available in October. They have names like "hangman", "break" and "wax". Tobacco concentrates are often called "dabbing". "Hashish", or "hash" for short, is another cannabis-based gland, which contains cannabinoids such as THC and CBD. This brownish substance has been used for centuries in Asia.

"Dispensaries" means stores that have been openly selling medical cannabis in Canada in recent years, often illegally. Those who work in the counters of these stores are called "Buddhists".

How is cannabis consumed?

The most common way to use cannabis is to smoke its dried flowers, either in a "seal" resembling a hand-rolled cigarette, or in a pipe. Other common slang terms for "joint" include "spliff" and "doobie". A "blunt" is a seal wrapped in a tobacco leaf, a bit like a cigar. When it's already manufactured, a cannabis cigarette calls it a "pre-roll". A "bong" refers to a pipe that has a chamber filled with water. Among the slang synonyms for smoking cannabis are "hit", "puff" and "toke". If you have smoked so much that you become paranoid, you lose the ability to converse "Greenout".

Cannabis can also be "sprayed", in which an electronic device, called a "vaporizer", is used to heat dried cannabis flowers (or cannabis oils) to create a steam loaded with cannabinoids. Since the spray does not burn the whole flower, some think it is a little better for the lungs than the cigarette, just like electronic cigarettes compared to traditional cigarettes.

Cannabis-infused food products, such as so-called "space cakes" and "special brownies," can also be consumed for recreational purposes. Known as "edible products", these will only be available for purchase approximately one year after the legalization comes into effect. These products are usually made with dried cannabis flowers or cannabis oil. Although the consumption of edible products is generally considered to be healthier than tobacco consumption, edible products also tend to be much more powerful and durable. Cannabis oil can also be consumed orally.

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