From snowbirds to humpback whales, it's the migration season: NOAA reminds people to stay away (whales)


The NOAA (Port City Daily / NOAA Courtesy) indicates that the right whale is in danger of extinction and that there remains only about 450 people in the wild.
The NOAA (Port City Daily / NOAA Courtesy) indicates that the right whale is in danger of extinction and that there remains only about 450 people in the wild.

SOUTHEAST NC – As the days get shorter and the seasons begin to change, coastal residents may have the chance to see some seasonal visitors to the area. From migratory birds to northern retirees, there are plenty of fall visitors, but one guy can make a splash – this is the whale season.

Whales make their annual trip south to the warmer waters of the New England region. Two types of whales, in particular, can be seen off the coast of Carolina: the right whale and the humpback whale. While it may seem like a good experience to see these massive mammals up close, the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) Fisheries Department is asking residents and visitors to keep their distance.

After the discovery of a whale at Carolina Beach earlier this month, several rescuers were spotted swimming up to the animal and getting closer – but it's not just a dangerous idea, it may be illegal.

Barb Zoodsma is a whale biologist for NOAA. She offers advice to anyone lucky enough to spot a whale, not just during the migration season, but at any time.

Right whales, a protected species

The two main species of large whales observed off the Carolinas are humpback whales and right whales, the latter being critically endangered, according to Zoodsma.

"Right whales are so threatened that there are probably less than 450 right whales in the Atlantic – we are so worried about their population that it's illegal to approach the sea." or to be within 500 meters, "she said.

When dealing with other species of whales and marine mammals in general, even if they are not considered endangered, they are still protected by the Marine Mammal Protection Act. This law makes it illegal to harass whales, but harassment is not always what it seems.

"This word harassment can be confusing. This gives the impression that you are deliberately harassing or that you have bad intentions, but in reality it means that you change their behavior. If you are in a boat and you are causing it [a whale] to change its course that is against the law, "said Zoodsma.

It is not only illegal to harass whales, but it is also important to remember that they are huge animals that can potentially cause damage.

Zoodsma told the story of a Florida fisherman who saw a humpback whale in the distance and who was not thinking about anything – that is, until the day before. what heaps of fish begin to gather under his boat and that he knows that a whale has sunk in his boat. .

The fisherman of the story managed to survive, thanks to the awning of his boat, but emphasizes the point of Zoodsma. Wild animals are unpredictable, and when a man weighing 200 kilos opposes a 40-tonne whale that can be more than 50 feet long, the whale wins the battle each time.

Humpback whales and right whales are not particularly known for their aggression, she said, but that does not mean they will not hurt anyone. So what happens if a surfer or a person in the water encounters a surprise with a whale?

"If I were on a surfboard, I'd make sure to make some noise in the water so that it would at least know you're there, so I'd slowly get away from it." . Do not put yourself in front, especially if they make a breach. You never know when a whale will start making a breach, it just does it because it's only about whales, "Zoodsma said.

The best way to check whales is beach safety, she said. If residents or mariners encounter a whale that appears to be sick or injured, or even dead, NOAA would like to know more and you can call 877-WHALE-HELP (877-942-5343).

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