From the poisoning of Russian espionage to British death: the Novichok case


A Briton died after being exposed to the same nerve agent that poisoned a former Russian spy and her daughter four months ago, a case that caused major diplomatic repercussions between Moscow and the West [19659002]. the calendar of events since Novichok was identified in the poisoning of Skripals in the English city of Salisbury, southwest, in March, and resurfaced in the same area in July in a British couple

– Slumped on a bench –

Agent Sergei Skripal, 66, and his daughter Yulia, 33, are found unconscious on a bench in Salisbury on March 4th.

Three days later, the Skripals are hospitalized in critical condition. On March 12, British Prime Minister Theresa May said that the military nerve agent was identified as belonging to the Novichok ("Newcomer") group, which was developed by the Soviet government towards the end of the year. 39; year. the Cold War.

She says that it is "very likely that Russia is responsible". Moscow rejects demand

– Diplomatic shock –

On March 14, London declares that Moscow is "guilty" and promises to expel 23 Russian diplomats. He suspends diplomatic contacts with Moscow

The next day, Britain, France, Germany and the United States also accuse Russia

On March 17, Moscow expels 23 British diplomats , among other measures.

On March 20, experts from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) take samples

– Mass Expulsions –

A series of British allies announce the March 26 that they expel Russian diplomats because of poisoning.

Washington says it throws 60 Russian "spies" and closes the Russian consulate in Seattle.

On March 27, the number of Russian diplomats expelled from various countries and positions reached 150.

Two days later, Russia announced the expulsion of 60 US diplomats and the closure of the US consulate in St. Petersburg. Petersburg.

On March 30, diplomats from 23 other countries, almost all of them EU members, will have to leave. Up to 50 other members of the British diplomatic staff will be expelled, it is reported

– Source unverified –

April 3, the British military facility analyzing the nerve agent – who appears to have been smeared on the door handle The Kremlin demands an apology and on April 4, his head of the foreign intelligence service claims that this case is a "grotesque provocation … concocted by the British" .

Yulia Skripal is released from the hospital on April 10.

Two days later, the OPCW confirms Britain's findings on the nerve agent, but does not make itself responsible.

Councilor Mark Sedwill says that Britain has information that Russian services have been spying on the Skripals for at least five years before the attack.

On April 17, an operation began to clear the affected areas of Salisbury. from the hospital on May 18th.

– Two More Poisoned –

On July 4, police reveal that two people are in critical condition after being found unconscious a few days ago in the village of Amesbury, about 12 kilometers away. Subsequently, they confirm that the man and the woman had come into contact with Novichok

The situation is declared "major incident" and the anti-terrorist police takes the lead in the investigation.

British Interior Minister Sajid Javid says Moscow needs to explain about the use of the poison

Russia slams Britain for played "dirty political games" and asked for an apology

. Tests on the couple – Dawn Sturgess, 44, and Charlie Rowley, 45 – showed that they had handled an unidentified "tainted object."

They had visited Salisbury the day before their illness

8 Sturgess is dead.

Expressin According to a May article, the incident is considered a murder.

An investigator wearing protective clothing in the English city of Amesbury, where a couple was found in critical condition after being in contact with Novichok's neurovascular agent

How does it work? Novichok agent nerge affects the nervous system of the body

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