Full moon of October 201: spiritual meanings that will help you stay zen during this time of transformation


What used to be a lush green wonderland is now a rusty, golden landscape. The transitional seasons were marked by autumn and, with each leaf lost from a branch, it is clear that – deep breath – "winter is coming". This fugacity could not be more apparent than with the full moon of Taurus on October 24th. The spiritual meanings of the full moon of October 2018 accompany a flood of literal illuminations "Keep the night" that will illuminate what remains to be cleaned up. So, rest on the most comfortable and closest pile of leaves. It's time to meditate on change.

After the full harvest of September, October brings us the hunter's moon. Once the crops were torn out and the fields began to freeze, it was time to get ready for the next season. You know, this cold where we all bury ourselves under layers of turtlenecks, sweaters and scarves. Winter. The agrarian society, according to Farmman Almanac, saw it as a good time for hunting and gathering for the coming season.

But as we now have the luxury of food delivery services, we will not be putting on our flannel hats and going into the woods. We will probably hibernate with a crisp and spicy tuna roll. Instead, we can draw other important meanings of the October full moon.


Like spring cleaning, fall has its own storage space. And a lot of that has to do with the soul inside. According to Forever Conscious, "The full moon of October will guide you to go inside, to retreat and to reflect on your calmness.How often do you find this place in your everyday life? How often are you able to stay centered How many times are you able to go and let things take their natural course? "This full moon is the perfect time to light a Chai scented candle and think about these questions. Calm down at the dawn of winter.

As things are dying around us and crunching deliciously under our feet, there is a change of air. All this plays on the spiritual significance of the full moon of October. According to the moon circles, this moon could make you feel "the urge to travel within yourself to your own skeletal core". It is there, safe from everything, that "you will discover perhaps your essential vulnerability which denies your usual brave bravado". The change is not only in the wind but in the interior. What can we prepare ourselves for the coming months?


This full moon illuminates what can be picked up in gigantic bags and transported and what can be improved. Just like storing firewood that will keep us warm. Forever Conscious writes: "The energy of the Bull that surrounds this Full Moon wants us to find our stability, it wants us to find our calm, it asks us to stand up quiet and strong, so that we can resist any chaos that can happen on our way, tomorrow or next year. "After summer months full of tomato harvest for salads and thrills for the summer, the time has come to start to install.

And since Taurus cares about the beauty of life, it's not useless to snuggle into a new pair of woolen socks and squeeze your palms around a ceramic chai tea cup. The full moon of Taurus, October 24, wants us to use our spiritual side. To erase the frenzy that has accumulated over the active months, where energy has grown over the days at the beach and pumpkin spice. The time has come to introduce calm into our daily lives. To welcome the calm. So instead of screaming at this Hunters' Moon, it might be more useful to write a diary under it. With all this change, it's better to stay calm.

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