"Fundamental Change" Necessary to Protect Minors Against the Deadly Black Lung: NPR


A roof bolter secures the roof of a newly mined section of a coal mine. Studies show that roofing bolters sometimes have a high exposure to silica dust that is particularly toxic to the lungs.

Thorney Lieberman / Getty Images

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Thorney Lieberman / Getty Images

A roof bolter secures the roof of a newly mined section of a coal mine. Studies show that roofing bolters sometimes have a high exposure to silica dust that is particularly toxic to the lungs.

Thorney Lieberman / Getty Images

New and stricter rules to protect coal miners from the coal and silica dust that cause deadly black lung disease may not be enough to stem an "epidemic" of the worst stages of the disease. The Appalachians in 25 years

This is the conclusion of a review of the latest efforts of the federal government to prevent coal miners from being exposed to excessive and toxic amounts of dust that they create. when they cut into layers of coal.

released Thursday by the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine (NAS), notes that coal mine operators are complying with the new dust-proof regulations to more than 99%, but "these approaches do not do not guarantee that the exhibitions will be controlled ".

According to the SIN Mining Experts Committee, "fundamental change is needed in the way mine operators approach exposure control," including " beyond c

The new dust control measures were imposed by the Federal Administration of Mine Safety and Health (MSHA) during the Obama administration and entered into force. August 2016. They require a limited number of minors. monitor the exposure to coal dust in real time. Previously, samples could take weeks to analyze.

Real-time monitoring gives miners and miners the opportunity to adapt so that workers are less exposed to dust. They can stimulate ventilation that sends clean air through the mine to sweep away dust. They can increase the amount of water sprayed on the coal seam when the mining machines dig into the coal. They can slow mining machines so that they produce less dust. And they can move exposed miners to areas that are less dusty or dust free.

But the NAS committee found that dust readings may be inadequate because they "are not representative of dust exposure." [19659008"Westillneedtosamplemoregelsandweneedtosamplethemmoreoften"explainsDrHarrisonCobourneumologistandresearchersattheUniversityofIllinoisatChicagowhodiscussesthepreliminarychangestothereport

the new dust controllers do not provide real-time sampling of silica dust, which is created when mining machines cut into sandstone. and are much more toxic than coal dust alone. Cutting sandstones are more common in the central Appalachians because the larger coal veins are mined and the thinner layers that remain are sandstone and coal.

The NAS report provides for the development of a National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) trying to invent such a device. Until now, the NIOSH has produced a monitoring system that provides silica exposure results at the end of a minor's shift. It is expected that it will soon be available to mining companies for voluntary use.

Mark McCowan, a retired miner, examines an x-ray of his sick lungs at his home in Pounding Mill, Virginia. McCowan suffers from massive progressive fibrosis black lung disease.

Howard Berkes / NPR

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Howard Berkes / NPR

Retired miner Mark McCowan examines an X-ray of his sick lungs at his home in Pounding Mill, Virginia. McCowan suffers from progressive massive fibrosis, the worst stage of black lung disease.

Howard Berkes / NPR

Rep. Bobby Scott (D-Va.), The Democrat on the House Committee on Education and Manpower, wants the MSHA to require the use of new late-shift monitors.

"Miners do not have to monitor silica exposure to miners, and MSHA only samples silica four times a year," Scott says. "If the MSHA required operators that they use this reasonable technology, it would help save the lives of the miners that it is responsible for protecting."

David Zatezalo, former mining company executive and industry lobbyist that "MSHA is working with NIOSH to determine the accuracy and reliability of any end-of-shift monitoring technology. "

The National Mining Association, which represents the coal companies, said in a statement that its members "have been pursuing an" Beyond Compliance "for decades," said MSHA spokeswoman Amy Louviere , who asked for comments on the SIN report, adding that "we are fully in agreement to improve the protection of the health of minors.:" We will review the report thoroughly before making public comments "

The NAS review was requested by the Republican members of Congress and was mandated in a 2016 appropriations act." This raised concerns that "there might be some aspects of the report." that could be used to undermine and roll back these regulations, "says Dr. Cohen.

But" that did not exist, "adds Cohen .In fact, he really recommended that people go beyond the regulation ac t. "

Emily Sarver, NAS committee member, associate professor of mining and mineral engineering at Virginia Tech, notes that black lung disease has a long latency period. the effects of new regulations on mining dust, including the high compliance rate of the industry, will take time to be understood.

"Coal Mine … dust diseases usually take on the order of ten years or more exposure," says Sarver. "What the committee says however is that it may take several years before we does this lead to a decrease in the incidence of the disease? "

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