FX will transform his body and his other parties into a "Feminist Black Mirror"


His body and other parts author Carmen Maria Machado
Photo: Dimitrios Kambouris (Getty Images)

according to Deadline, FX has taken over the rights of a series of anthologies inspired by that of Carmen Maria Machado His body and other parts. The original book is a collection of short stories featuring sci-fi and fantasy scenes about various horrors experienced by women, including a darker (darker) version of the old man. The green ribbon story and a long piece involving a series of surreal and nightmarish episodes of Law and Order: SVU. The TV version is presented as a "feminist Black mirror, "With" fairy tale themes ", and the connective tissue from one episode to the next will be a recurring set of characters that will experience" vivid narratives of women's fears and desires on landscapes of horror, fabulism and absurdity with crazy hair "

The adaptation of FX by His body and other parts is written by Gina Welch, who has already worked on Quarrel, stone castle, and TerrorShe must know one or two (or three) things about anthology shows.

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