G-20 calls for intensified trade dialogue, but disagree on the way forward


World leaders in finance on Sunday called for stronger dialogue to prevent trade and geopolitical tensions from undermining growth, but ended a two-day G-20 meeting. Finance ministers and central bank governors of the world's 20 largest economies warned that growth, albeit strong, was becoming less synchronized and that short and medium-term downside risks had increased

. increased trade and geopolitical tensions, global imbalances, inequalities and structurally weak growth, especially in some advanced economies, "G-20 finance officials said in a statement

" We recognize the need to intensify the dialogue and actions. to mitigate risk and build confidence, "the statement said.

This marked a reinforcement of language compared to their previous statement published in March, in which they "

" The latest language suggests that it is very urgent to solve these problems, "said Scott Morrison , Treasurer of Australia, in an interview with Reuters, adding that ministers had made it clear that they were worried about "tit-for-tat" measures and that the opening of the trade was the only way out. goal.

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