Galacty's Edge & Park will present John Williams' original score


More information on the upcoming Star Wars attractions: Galaxy's Edge for Walt Disney World Resort and Disneyland begin to emerge. Millenium Falcon, they will also be able to experience a brand new original John Williams score just for the park.

The news of Williams' special score was revealed by Disney at Destination D: Celebrating Mickey Mouse, a birthday party for a week for the iconic mouse, Saturday. Williams' iconic music has been an integral part of the Star Wars franchise for over forty years, to such an extent that Mark Hamill has even stated that Williams deserves the most praise for making the saga as it is , with the exception of George Lucas.

"Apart from George Lucas, no one deserves more credit for the success of Star wars that John Williams ", the actor shared with Variety.

The actor then recalled the experience of watching Williams compose a live recording of the score for Star Wars: The last Jedi.

"It's indescribable, it elevates every scene, it has to understand the emotion of the scene, the dynamics of the conflict that we are trying to describe, as deeply as an actor," Hamill confessed. "In a way, it's even more complex.As an actor, you're only one person, one instrument in the orchestra." is the whole group. "

Entertainment Weekly describes the special score created by Williams for Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge as a "majestic and alternatively playful introduction". It was recorded by the London Symphony Orchestra at Abbey Road Studios, under the direction of William Ross, long-time associate of Williams. Williams, who was recently hospitalized but is about to heal from an undisclosed illness, also makes the score for the next Episode IX but it will be his final score in the series. Williams announced earlier this year that he was considering retiring from the saga after closing the last of Skywalker's trilogies.

Besides the sound of a Star Wars adventure, Galaxy's Edge will also be able to physically immerse themselves in the experience. Millenium Falcon ride.

"You're really in control of the fastest and most iconic ship in the galaxy," Asa Kalama, executive director of creation, said in the Millennium Falcon feat: "From Page to Park". "Added a few extra seats so that it can get as many of these flight crews as possible There are 200 odd buttons, buttons and switches inside the cockpit and they all do things. If you are the gunners in the center and you do not shoot these TIE Fighters fast enough, they will enigmate the hull with laser bolts.The engineers in the back, it's really up to them to maintain the entire Falcon in working order so that they are looking for hard work on their various systems. "

Are you excited about the fact that Galaxy's Edge has a real Williams score? Let us know in the comments below.

Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge is expected to open at Disneyland and Walt Disney World in 2019.

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