Game of Thrones: Field details of the first final season unveiled


the Game of thrones The details of the last season have been kept secret until now.

In EW's cover this week, behind the scenes of Season 8, we've been able to reveal some basic tweaks for the last season. Remember that there is a lot of story to tell in the last six episodes. It's a taste of the opening of the season and the stakes:

Season 8 opens in Winterfell with an episode that contains a lot of reminders to the pilot of the series. Instead of King Robert's procession, it's Daenerys and his army. The following is a thrilling and tense mix of characters – some of whom have never met before, many of whom have a messy history – as they all prepare to face the inevitable invasion of the United States. Army of the Dead.

"It's about all those disparate characters who come together to face a common enemy, caring about their own past and defining the person they want to deal with certain death," says the co-founder. executive producer Bryan Cogman. "It's an incredibly moving, haunting and bittersweet finale season, and I think it's a great honor to what George has decided to do – to reverse that kind of story on his head."

The way these favorites are heard contributes a lot to the drama of the season (well, here is one of the teasing of the first – Sansa is not happy that Jon has bent his knee in front of his new girlfriend Targaryen, at least not in the beginning).

To learn more about the preparations for the last season, read our article entitled "The End of Game of thrones" right here.

For more on Game of thrones, take the new number of Weekly entertainment on the stands Friday, or buy it here now. Do not forget to subscribe for interviews and more exclusive photos, only in EW.

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