Garoppolo talks about his end-of-season injury for the first time


For the first time since Sept. 23, San Francisco 49ers quarterback Jimmy Garoppolo is injured at the hands of the Kansas City Chiefs. He met with journalists on Friday to discuss his recovery and future prospects.

Garoppolo recently returned to the 49ers facility after undergoing surgery in early October. He remains on crutches for the moment and still can not stay away from the rest of the team on match day, but he told reporters Friday that his injury was healing well and that rehab was going at a good pace.

"The access checklist was the only one to be torn up, so it was a good sign," Garoppolo said. "Yeah, they've corrected a few things, I think it's been really good, the stitches are broken, the scar has healed quickly, so we can go to the pool and really move on now."

Crutches were the thing that Garoppolo had designated as the appearance of his injury that he hated the most at the present time, but it will not take long for him to put them off. side and start working with running back Jerick McKinnon, who is also recovering from having torn his ACL into a workout before the first game of the regular season. Such a serious injury is a new experience for Garoppolo, but now that he's overtaken the initial shock and his disappointment, he approaches the rest of his rehab with his head held high.

"Yeah, that sucks, but I think the general acceptance of that at first was difficult," Garoppolo said. "I've never had such a serious injury, so it's different, but we're very positive now, I've been through with me and we're helping a bit, so that's good."

Garoppolo had another notable injury during his career in the NFL, a second-year injury in the second year with the New England Patriots in 2016, which put him on the sidelines. after the first two games of the season while he was replacing suspended Tom Brady. It may be that those who qualify Garoppolo for injuries as a result of this injury and his torn ACL, but he laughed at this label when he was questioned about it on Friday.

"If someone says I'm prone to injury, he does not really know what he's talking about," Garoppolo said. "I've been playing sports all my life, I've only had two wounds." It's weird. I'm not used to it, it's safe, but it's Is something I do not want to get used to .. I want to be there with the guys who are fighting, getting ready all week and all, and we will be back next year. "

The next step for Garoppolo is to determine how he can help the team and how he can continue to develop his game while facing his reeducation. He admitted Friday that it had taken some time to get used to getting away from his teammates during the matches, but he is now focused on what he can to use his time unavailability to his advantage.

"It's strange, the first couple (the games) was in L.A., I just watched them on the couch, and the latter, I had to go to the game and sit in the box and watch it," said Garoppolo. "It's a completely different point of view, you almost feel like a coach, so there are little things like that that I'm trying to find a bargain to make the most of this extra time." They will never give me such a time again – it's just that you have to enjoy what you have received, I suppose. "

49ers head coach Kyle Shanahan said Friday that Garoppolo could do exactly over the next few months. This will include helping the starter, C.J. Beathard, and continuing to prepare as he was in training. Shanahan said that the experience could prove positive for Garoppolo, as well as for the rest of the team, who will be happy to have him with him.

"Yes, no doubt," said Shanahan, on "Jimmy is definitely one of our leaders, I know if he was there, he would have been elected captain, if he was still healthy, Jimmy has to go through that surgery. what he's doing, he'll need a few more weeks to clear his crutches, obviously he can not live the season, but he still has a lot of experience, he has to follow the game plan. every week, get ready like at least mentally, pull something out of the game, know what to expect in the game, see what's going on differently, see what's going on differently, he can learn at that time At a meeting on Monday, we discuss what has been different from what we expected and how you can adapt to these things.These are things that he has to to cross fully, mentally.You would like him to do it physically and to me It has been taken away from him, he has yet to get something out of it, and you can get a lot for the other half. "

The 49ers had a difficult time without Garoppolo, having lost four straight games since the injury and not seemingly able to win many games the rest of the season. Shanahan told reporters on Friday that he felt the offense was beginning to flow well before Garoppolo was injured, making the injury even more difficult to swallow. But while Garoppolo spent his free time guessing the injury and if he could do anything else, now is the time to focus on the future and do what is necessary to be ready for 2019.

"At first you think about it," Garoppolo said. "You think about all the possible situations, you play in front of and all the rest, you end up getting to a point where you have to accept it and start moving forward."

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