Gary Cohn, Rob Porter on Bob Woodward's book on Trump White House


Two central figures in veteran journalist Bob Woodward's new book were rejected Tuesday on how they were characterized.

"This book does not accurately portray my experience at the White House," said Gary Cohn, former economic adviser to President Donald Trump, on the Axios website. "I am proud of my service in the Trump administration and I continue to support the President and his economic program."

Cohn is quoted extensively in the book, "Fear: Trump in the White House," and the relationship between the former Goldman Sachs executive and Trump is at the heart of Woodward's reports.

Some of the book's most explosive allegations also relate to Cohn, such as the detail that the former economic adviser stole from Trump's office to prevent the president from removing the United States from major trade deals.

Cohn has denied any specific allegations made in the book.

Another key figure in the book, former White House staff secretary Rob Porter, also issued a statement on Woodward's report.

"Having now read Bob Woodward's Fear, I am struck by the selective and often misleading portrayal that he makes of the President and his administration," Porter said.

Porter, the other White House official quoted in the story of the theft of documents, also responded to the allegations.

"The suggestion that documents were" stolen "on the president's desk to prevent his signature does not understand how the White House document review process works – and has worked for at least the last eight administrations" , did he declare.

According to Woodward, Porter was concerned when the president demanded an order to remove the United States from the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Most economists predict that a dissolution of NAFTA would be an economic disaster for the three member countries: the United States, Canada and Mexico.

After Porter spoke to Cohn about the president's request, the economic adviser decided to steal the document from the president's office to prevent Trump from signing.

"I can stop that," Cohn told Porter's book by Woodward. "I'm just going to take the paper out of his office before leaving."

According to Axios, the unconventional role of Cohn in the book led Trump and other officials to assume that Cohn was a source for Woodward. According to the author, "Fear" is based on in-depth interviews with former and current members of the Trump administration, and many interviews have been recorded for posterity.

While the White House has denounced Woodward's book, the dysfunctional scenes are similar to other reports on the chaotic nature of the Trump administration.

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