Gasly reprimanded for hanging in Hamilton in FP1


Gasly was slowly entering the final chicane as Hamilton rounded the 130R at full speed and caught the Toro Rosso still on the line.

Hamilton deviated to the right and was locked in avoidance, which sent the Mercedes on the way out.

After investigating the incident after the session, the stewards sent Gasly his second reprimand of the season after stating that Hamilton "should take evasive action" to avoid it.

The commissioners reported that Gasly "admitted that he had blocked the car 44 and acknowledged that he should have stayed on the right side of the runway and left it too late to leave the line. race".

They said that, as in the first CP, the decision was to impose a reprimand.

Any driver who receives three reprimands in the same season will be penalized 10 places on the grid for this race.

If the third reprimand is imposed as a result of a grand prix incident, the penalty will be applied at the next pilot event.

The sanction will only be imposed if at least two of the reprimands have been inflicted for a driving offense. Both of Gasly's reprimands this season have been issued as a result of driving offenses.

His first reprimand took place after an incident at the opening lap with Esteban Ocon in the Grand Prix de France.

Gasly finished 11th in FP1, while Hamilton was fastest, while he continues to move closer to a fifth title.

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