Gathering of Nix Eaters Featuring Trump Jr and Kimberly Guilfoyle


The manager of a Montana restaurant has canceled a rally led by Donald Trump Jr. and his friend Kimberly Guilfoyle for a Republican candidate in the US Senate because politics is not on the menu.

"We certainly do not want to take a political party. This is never our intention, "said Jeff Wilcox, director of the Midtown Tavern, at the Bozeman Daily Chronicle on Tuesday.

"That's not what we are. We are just trying to stay politically neutral, "he added. "We are a restaurant."

He said he did not know that the event of Republican Matt Rosendale, who aligned himself with President Trump, was scheduled for the restaurant until the candidate's campaign announced Tuesday.

The publication said Donald Jr. and Guilfoyle, a former Fox News personality, would be in the restaurant on Sept. 25, and Rosendale's election was a priority for the Trump administration.

"President Trump is now counting on all of us to win this race so we can help him move forward in his program," said Rosendale, who runs against Democratic Senator Jon Tester, incumbent and libertarian president Rick Breckenridge .

Shane Scanlon, spokesperson for Rosendale, told the newspaper that more than 200 people had booked tickets for the rally and the campaign is now looking for another venue.

Chris Meagher, spokesperson for the test campaign, took a picture of Rosendale and Donald Jr.

"Matt Rosendale can call on other more experienced real estate developers who, like him, want them to be real Montanans, but he can not hide his votes against Montana veterans, voting against the protection of hunters and Montana fishermen. , and the approval of health insurance rates of 23% on the Montanans, "he said.

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