Geoffrey Owens responds to Tyler Perry's job offer


Geoffrey Owens feels the love.

L & # 39; former Cosby Show The actor expressed his gratitude for the support he received after the world learned that he was working in a Trader Joe's grocery store between theater concerts.

"It's surreal," he said Hello America. "These are contacts and e-mails, phone calls, texts and non-stop interviews. It's really weird, good fun.

Last week, the Daily mail and Fox News have posted photos – taken by a customer – of Owens' shopping bags at a Trader Joe's in New Jersey.

Robin Marchant / Getty; Robin Marchant / Getty

Owens, who worked at the grocery store for 15 months, first accepted the job because he wanted "flexibility" to stay in the entertainment business. he has since abandoned all attention.

After the photos went viral, filmmaker Tyler Perry gave Owens, 57, a work on a drama.

"#GeoffreyOwens I'm about to start filming OWN's number one next week! Come join us !!! ", Tweeted Perry.

"I have so much respect for people jostling between concerts," he continued. "The measure of a true artist."

Owens said he was hit by the offer.

"It's certainly very generous of him," said Ownes. "Even if it's about expressing that, it's very encouraging."

And while Owens, who played Elvin Tibideaux on The Cosby Show From 1985 to 1992, he said to have been "really devastated" after the release of the photos, he has now seen the humor in the situation.

"I would never have imagined that in my wildest dreams," he said. "How to get advertising? Work at Trader Joe's!

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