George Clooney presents himself as the "husband of Amal" at the Power of Women event


George Clooney gave his wife, Amal, a soft cry to Variety& # 39; S Power of Women: Los Angeles Event – Just Introduce!

The award-winning actor was about to introduce Emma González, a young activist who survived the Stoneman Douglas High School shootings in 2018 and who knew that his wife, a human rights lawyer, had an impressive resume.

"Hello, I'm George. I'm Amal Clooney's husband, "he said on stage. The ballroom burst into applause and applause, an eyewitness told ET. the Tomorrowland The star attended the solo event, such as Amal in Philadelphia at the Pennsylvania Conference for Women 2018, where she gave the keynote address at the event.

And despite his modest introduction to VarietyThe event, presented by Lifetime and sponsored by Audi and Moroccan Oil, revealed that George seemed to be a popular product, the room eagerly seeking photos of the star as soon as he entered the scene.

González, who was honored for her work in gun control reform with March for Our Lives, moved spectators to tears during her emotional speech, said our eyewitness. Tiffany Haddish (The Unusual Suspects Theater Company), Regina King (I Have A Dream Foundation), Natalie Portman (Time's Up) and Lena Waithe (The Trevor Project) were also honored.

"The women I stand with are really reminding you that you are doing something right, but I just feel humiliated by all of this," Waithe told ET at the event's red carpet. "[I’m] really grateful. "

Learn more about Waithe's interview in the video below.


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