George Conway attacks Trump for tweeting about Obama's "57 States" bomber.


George T. Conway III, husband of the White House advisor to President Kellyanne Conway, attends the 139th Easter Egg Roll on the South Lawn of the White House on April 17, 2017 in Washington, DC.

George T. Conway III, husband of the White House advisor to President Kellyanne Conway, attends the 139th Easter Egg Roll on the South Lawn of the White House on April 17, 2017 in Washington, DC.

Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images

Kellyanne Conway's husband, White House counselor George Conway, has been harshly and directly criticizing the president on Twitter after the commander-in-chief mocked his predecessor for a decade. It all began when President Donald Trump criticized Obama for a comment he had made at a rally in 2008 that he had visited "57 states" while he was in campaign election.

"When President Obama said he was going to" 57 states, "he is very little mentioned in Fake News Media. Can you imagine if I said this … year history! Trump had written in a tweet. And it was not a lie. Obama really said it.

"It's wonderful to be back in Oregon. In the last 15 months, we have traveled all over the United States. I am now in 57 states, "said Obama in May 2008. I think we left. In Alaska and Hawaii, I was not allowed to go, although I really wanted to visit, but my staff would not justify it. The video of the comment shows that people burst out laughing when he said it. after. At another campaign stop, he spoke with reporters and said he was concerned that he had misinterpreted the number of people killed in a cyclone in Burma. "I hope to have said 100,000 people the first time instead of 100 million. I understand that I said that there were 57 states today. It's a sign that my numeracy is growing, uh … "said Obama before his help interrupted him.

George Conway took on Twitter for blow up Trump for his tweet, write there is a "huge difference" between what Obama quickly recognized as a mistake and Trump's "incessant, shameless and trumpy prevarication on virtually every subject, big and small." He has since pinned this tweet.

George Conway's tweet came just days after sharing a number of tweets on polls showing Trump had a low approval rating. He also shared the famous anonymous tribune published in the New York Times.

Last month, The Washington Post featured Kellyanne Conway and her husband in an article that seemed to make it clear that she was not a fan of her husband's constant desire to tweet against her boss. "It's disrespectful, it's a violation of fundamental decency, certainly, if not conjugal vows," she said, although she asked that this quote be attributed to " a person familiar with their relationship ". record. "Well, people see it that way," she said. "People see it this way, I do not say I do it, but people see it that way." Clearly, his work in the administration has at least created tension in their marriage. "I think there is a part of him who thinks I chose Donald Trump with him," she said. "It's ridiculous. One is my job and the other is my marriage.

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