George HW Bush asks for help from new service dog Sully


HOUSTON – The Bush Political Dynasty added another member Monday: Sully HW Bush, a yellow service dog from Labrador for former President George HW Bush.

Sully can make a list of two pages of commands, including answering the phone and fetching items.

"As one person has said, it can do just about anything except you make a martini, but do not worry, it can pick you up some one to make you a martini. ! "Said Jim McGrath, spokesman for Bush.

Sully is named after former Airline pilot Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger III, who became famous for landing a damaged passenger jet on the Hudson River and saved the 155 passengers and crew members to edge in 2009.

Sully was trained by Guide Dog Foundation and America VetDogs, a nonprofit that provides free service dogs for veterans, active duty members and first responders with disabilities, according to the US VetDogs website.

Dogs are trained to help with various disabilities, including blindness or low vision, post-traumatic stress disorder and hearing loss. The group also provides facility dogs to help rehabilitate military and veterans in military hospitals and veterans.

Sully will have an active Instagram account, @sullyhwbush, who has already posted his first photo and will post daily photos from Sully's point of view.

The account aims to emphasize the importance of service dogs for people with disabilities.

Bush uses a wheelchair and has been hospitalized several times in recent months for conditions such as low blood pressure and an infection that has spread to his blood.

Bush also met Monday with former President Bill Clinton and congratulated him for publishing his novel, "The President Is Missing," written with author James Patterson. Bush commemorated the occasion by wearing a pair of socks with Clinton's face on them.

"Special tour today with a great friend – and now, a successful author." Fortunately, I had a pair of freshly blanched @BillClinton socks to mark the occasion, "Bush tweeted.


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