George Soros' conspiracy theory still activates conspiracy theory after bomb threats, shooting at the synagogue


President Donald Trump said on Wednesday that he "would not be surprised" if George Soros was funding the caravan of Central American migrants heading to the United States, reinforcing an unfounded plot theory on the well-known Democratic donor some days after an attempt to attack.

Trump made these comments while addressing reporters outside the White House.

"Do you think that someone finances the caravan? Do you think that someone pays for the caravan? Asked a reporter.

"I would not be surprised. I would not be surprised, "said Trump.

"George Soros? Who pays for this? Interjected a journalist.

"I do not know who. But I would not be surprised, "replied Trump." Many people say yes. "

The conspiracy theory that Soros was funding dispersed migrants in pro-Trump Facebook groups in recent days, such as Ann Coulter, representing Matt Gaetz (R-Fl.) And the president's eldest son, Donald Trump Jr.

Trump's comments come a week after Soros, CNN and several of his Democratic critics were targeted for the mail bombs allegedly sent by a Trump supporter.

Trump sent conflicting messages after the arrest of the suspect by the post-bomb, citing "harmony," but also chuckling at someone's suggestion that Soros should be locked up.

Trump's last remark about Soros, who is Jewish, also follows the massacre of 11 people in a synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

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