Georgetown Prep Welcomes Confirmation of "Honorable 83" by Honorable Brett Kavanaugh


TThe Maryland Preparatory School attacked for its culture of "Party School" during the controversial confirmation process of graduate Brett Kavanaugh tweeted the news of his confirmation to the Supreme Court on Saturday afternoon.

The Georgetown Preparatory School attracted study and criticism after California professor Christine Blasey Ford accused Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her at a party in 1982 attended by her students. Criticism and speculation about his students' use of drugs and alcohol and allegations of "party school" culture sparked a reaction from the Maryland institution that criticized his description.

The elite Jesuit school responded to criticism last week, saying the image on social media and in various media reflected recklessness, illegal behavior and disrespect for people.

"But the temptations and failures presented in these stories are not unique to Georgetown Prep," says a statement released by the school. "The problems and abuse of alcohol and drugs, sexual assault and misconduct, emotional and physical abuse towards others are real; educators at every primary, secondary or higher education institution in our country are facing these problems every day. "

Mark Judge, Patrick J. Smyth, Tim Gaudette and Chris Garrett were interviewed by the FBI as part of the further investigation into Ford's allegations about a party in which she allegedly claimed that Kavanaugh was Had been fumbling. Ford, who graduated from the Maryland Girls' Preparatory School, Holton-Arms, claimed that the judge was present at the alleged attack. The FBI could not corroborate Ford's accusation, which Kavanaugh denied under oath.

Senators asked about the internal jokes published in the school yearbook at the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings, including a drinking game called "Devil's Triangle" and an incomplete copy of the The school's 1983 yearbook was published online.

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