Georgetown professor withdraws from classes after wanting "miserable deaths" and castration of GOP senators


gThe University of Eorgetown has suspended a professor to teach for a public tweet last Saturday in which she said that Republican senators supporting Supreme Court candidate Brett Kavanaugh should be killed and castrated, according to a report released Friday night.

Carol Christine Fair, an associate professor at the University of Washington's School of Foreign Service, will travel internationally for academic research rather than teaching.

"To avoid further disruption to our students and to keep our community safe, we agreed that Professor Fair would immediately go on research leave," said Dean of Foreign Service School Joel Hellman. statement to staff, according to Fox News. "Professor Fair will accelerate the previously planned international research trips."

"We can and we strongly condemn the use of violent images, blasphemies and insensitive labeling of people based on gender, ethnicity or political affiliation in any form of speech, "wrote Hellman.

Fair has published hundreds of tweets since the weekend's incident, demonstrating his anger at the sexual assault charges of several women against Kavanaugh. In this tweet, she said that white GOP senators, especially Senator Lindsey Graham, R-S, "Deserve miserable deaths."

"Watch [this] chorus of white men empowered to justify the arrogant right of the serial rapist, "she wrote." All deserve miserable deaths while feminists laugh while taking their last breath. "Bonus: we castrate their corpses and infants pigs? Yes. "

The tweet has been removed from Twitter and its account temporarily suspended Tuesday, but active from Friday.

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