Georgette Braun: Feeding the Endangered Monarch butterfly family business in Roscoe – News – Rockford Register Star


Georgette Braun Writer @georgettebraun

ROSCOE – The almost inaudible crackling of a chrysalis break sends Mary Naugle-Nemeth into one of her "what's so miraculous" modes.

She waits one or two seconds before the orange and black monarch, in the wet state, comes out. "I'm so intrigued," she said after capturing the video of the beginning of the flower pollinator.

It's been a month and a half since she and her family have started feeding the monarch since her debut as an egg. And it will take 12 hours before the butterfly with a wingspan of 4 inches is ready to take its first flight.

For the Nemeth family, feeding the monarchs has been a family affair since June.

"When I was a child, butterflies were everywhere," said Naugle-Nemeth, a therapist, deploring the disappearance of the monarch. She wants to help her survival as a species. She therefore asked her family to help her plant a monarch hideaway for her 54th birthday in order to attract butterflies and feed the caterpillar born eggs that they laid under milkweed. .

The 148-square-foot garden on their two-acre rural estate of Roscoe is planted with flowers that produce nectar for the monarch butterfly and milkweed on which they lay their leaves. "It was getting crazy," said Naugle-Nemeth about the garden that she had certified as a Monarch Waystation, one of nearly 21,500, according to Monarch Watch. "I want it to be four times bigger than next year," she said.

According to the National Wildlife Federation, the monarch population has declined by 90% over the past two decades. According to scientists, climate change, urban development and plant diseases have contributed to its decline. In 1997, there were 682 million monarchs, up from 109 million last year, according to the Center for Biodiversity.

The monarch – one of the 20,000 species of butterflies in the world – is not on the list of endangered species. The US Fish and Wildlife Service will release its next list in June 2019. Agrochemical companies that contributed to its demise and fear potentially heavy regulations formed a collaborative group in February – Farmers for Monarchs. His goal is to develop strategies to try to keep the monarch from the list of endangered species, according to a CNN Money story of May 11. BASF, Bayer, DowDupont, Monsanto and Syngenta are the members of the collaboration.

How long does it take for a monarch to become his iconic self? Naugle-Nemeth stated that, according to the experience of his family, it takes three to six days for the eggs of monarchs to hatch; 21 to 24 days for the resulting caterpillar to develop; 48 hours for the caterpillar to hang in a "J" shaped container before the pupa leaves; 13 to 16 days for the chrysalis to create the monarch; and 12 hours before the emerged monarch is ready for flight. Monarchs live two to six weeks. And then the cycle starts again.

Naugle-Nemeth's 14-year-old son, Nicholas Nemeth, a freshman at Hononegah High School, said he hoped that ditches along the roads would not have been too mowed because it was not a good idea. is where milkweeds grow. "It was one of their main food areas," he said.

He said he likes to watch the metamorphosis of the caterpillar in a butterfly, but said the process "was a lot of work". Nicholas spends half an hour to 45 minutes a day finding eggs on the milkweed leaves, bringing the leaves back into the house, putting in containers the tiny caterpillars that come out of the eggs, pulling leaves from them. milkweed to feed the hungry caterpillars. caterpillar waste containers. "It's really cool to see progress," he said.

Dave Nemeth, Nicholas's father, gave a few weeks ago "flying lessons" to a monarch, said Naugle-Nemeth, Nemeth's wife.

"We had one that really worried me, he was still in the net," said Nemeth, quality director at Rockford Aerospace Company. He was referring to a laundry mesh type container that the family uses to allow the chrysalis to hang before the birth of a butterfly and keep it safe after its emergence.

Nemeth took the monarch on the outside. "Usually, when you release, he enters a tree," he said. This one did not He so gently put the monarch in his hand, went up again in the yard and released him. And did it many times more. "It's just such a great experience," he said.

"It's such a small thing to do to make the world a better place," said Nemeth.

Jamie Bell and his family have fed the monarchs over the past six years. She is the niece of Naugle-Nemeth and lives with her husband and three children on about 6 acres in rural Winnebago. She said that milkweeds grow in the wild around their properties and that she let them grow.

The Bell family released more than 40 monarchs this summer, double what it had released last year. Bell said she did not expect too many more to be released this season as the monarch migrates to the Mexican forests for the winter.

The Nemeth family had let 33 monarchs go this summer, starting on Thursday.

The 33rd "was a little reluctant to leave," said Naugle-Nemeth. "I rolled over my shoulder while I was going to the garden, and then left about 10 minutes later, pretty cool."

Georgette Braun: 815-987-1331; [email protected]; @GeorgetteBraun

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