Georgia and Missouri Races Face Last Minute Charges


ONE OF THE LAST MEMBERS OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY floods the field midway through with money in the last days.

The Independence USA super PAC, former Mayor of New York City, Independence USA, is spending more on TV advertising in the last week of the campaign than all GOP candidates in the 82 most competitive races combined. Last month, Bloomberg moved from the Independent Voter Register to the Democratic Register. In the past, he was also registered as a Republican.

The super PAC backed by Bloomberg in recent days has bought $ 423,000 of airtime in the Oklahoma Fifth District, which includes Oklahoma City, and has so far seen no Super PAC advertising, and added $ 1.6 million to a previous purchase in the Sixth Northeast Coast District.

"Last week, we saw a clear and sharp expansion of the map, which includes races that were not on any radar screen at the beginning of the month," said Howard Wolfson, Bloomberg assistant, super PAC treasurer. .

DOLLARS AND BENEFACTORS OF SMALL DONORS like Mr. Bloomberg have helped Democrats erase the GOP's traditional fundraising advantage in congressional races. Democrat candidates and their allied super PACs spend Republican television last week in 54 districts. GOP candidates and their allies spend far less for Democrats in 29 districts.

Democratic candidates for the most competitive races are spending $ 29.2 million compared to last week, while GOP candidates are spending $ 16.9 million. The top three super-PAC Democrats, including Mr. Bloomberg's group, spent $ 50.1 million last week, while the GOP's three largest super-PACs spend $ 34.8 million.

"The biggest challenge we face is the wave of money that is hitting our candidates," said Corry Bliss, Executive Director of Super PAC at House GOP, the Congressional Leadership Fund. "If you had told me last year that Democrats would have so much money to spend, I would have made fun of you.

Democratic leaders have also been encouraged in recent days by elections in more than 20 points of President Trump. In Pennsylvania, political party representative Mike Kelly beat his Democratic opponent, Ron DiNicola, in a Erie district, Mr. Trump, who won by 20 points.

In Iowa, a Democratic poll indicates that Democratic challenger J.D. Scholten is within a few points of GOP representative Steve King in a district where Mr Trump won by 27 points. NRCC President Steve Stivers publicly disavowed King King on Tuesday for his association with white supremacist groups in the United States and Europe.

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