Georgia gubernatorial debate


The Democratic Republic of Georgia in the Democratic Republic of the United States Georgia, Democratic Republic of the United States man and staunch Trump supporter.

Rising tensions between the candidates over allegations of a vote by Kemp would be a major factor in the first televised debate between the two candidates on Tuesday evening. The debate is at 7 p.m. ET.

The two are particularly divided over voting rights, which has a key issue in the race. Kemp, who has been the secretary of the state since 2010, has made several measures during his tenure which Democrats claim are intended to suppress minority votes. Kemp oversees the state's electoral system. Kemp's office has been canceled over 1.4 million votes since 2012, including over 600,000 since 2017 alone, according to the Associated Press.

The biggest fault in the race has been the suspension of 53,000 vote registrations, 70 percent of which were for black Georgians. Kemp's office has been suspended under the auspices of a 2017 state law passed under his urging, which requires an "exact match" between a vote registration form and government documents. If a person's vote registration form differs from government documents – by a hyphen or a misspelling – their registration form is considered suspect.

While Abrams has claimed that Kemp is deliberately trying to suppress the votes of blacks Georgians, who typically vote Democratic, Kemp argues that the issues with the forms of registration are as such shoddy work by these groups Abrams' New Georgia Project, which works to register minority voters. However, the 53,000 voters with pending applications can still vote on election day, if they present photo identification at the polls.

Abrams told CBS News' Nancy Cordes Kemp was deliberately trying to affect the race with his actions.

"He is someone who is tilting the playing field in his direction and in the direction of his party," Abrams said. "It is absolutely vote deleting."

Kemp's campaign said in a statement that Abrams' campaign is trying to create "outrageous to drive voters to the polls." As voters with suspended applications will be able to vote on Election Day.

He also told Fox News that Abrams "wants illegal to vote," referring to immigrants in the country illegally. This allegation comes from a speech to supporters where Abrams described the upcoming "blue wave," saying that "blue wave is composed of those who are documented and undocumented." Abrams has said that it does not literally mean that immigrants should vote in the election.

Kemp was the only secretary of state in the country to refuse the Department of Homeland Security against the backdrop of the 2016 election, and he is being sued for failing to secure the state's voting system and allowing a massive breach of the records of 6 million voters. He and Gwinnett County are also being dismissed from the Georgia county's rejection of 595 absentee ballots this year, over half of which belonged to African Americans and Asian Americans.

Another topic likely to be addressed to the debate on Tuesday is Abrams' activism during college, including her participation in the burning of the train Georgia state flag in 1992. At the time, the flag of the Confederate battle flag. The "permitted, peaceful protest" was a part of her opposition to the Confederate symbolism in the flag, campaign spokesperson Abigail Collazo told CBS News in a statement.

Abrams has made the issue of Confederate memorials a key part of her campaign, and has called for the removal of the Confederate carving on Stone Mountain near Atlanta depicting Jefferson Davis, Stonewall Jackson, and Robert E. Lee. Kemp said he would protect the monument from the "radical left."

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