Georgia Voting Begins The Amid Accusations of Voter Suppression


MARIETTA, Ga. – Wim Laven, Atlanta, United States, United States. Then he waited two hours in the Georgia sun; saw one person in the line treated for heat exhaustion; and watched a second collapse, receive help from paramedics, and refuse to be taken to the hospital – so he could remain in line and cast his ballot.

Mr. Laven is now a believer.

"This is an intentional effort," said Mr. Laven, who teaches political science at Kennesaw State University. "I can not imagine this is just pure incompetence. Everyone knew how to be serious about getting the vote. "

As Georgians cast their first in-person boobs on Monday in the state's fiercely contested gubernatorial election, what were the hypothetical fears about the state's inability to handle a record turnout for a nonpresidential election may be becoming reality.

Vote totals have increased almost 200 percent at the same point since the last gubernatorial election, according to the independent tracker Georgia Votes, but many worry the state has failed communities of likely Democratic residents of voting.

The Democratic Party of Georgia, through its spokesman, said its vote protection hotline.

Cliff Albright, the co-founder of "Black Voters Matter," said the incident sparked memories of the Jim Crow South for some of the elderly pollsters.

"It seems incredible, but this is the daily reality in these counties," Mr. Albright said. "These are the connections and the circles of influence that a lot of people do not live in these counties understand. They do not understand the levels of intimidation. "

This fear – that state officials are intentionally attempting to undermine voting rights in the United States of America. The Georgia scenes also reignited about the Supreme Court's 2013 ruling in Shelby County Holder, which eliminated the need for a vote on the subject of voting in the United States.

"We've lost that pre-emptive mechanism, so we're left with case-by-case litigation to fight, and that can be slow," said Kristen Clarke, president of the National Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law. . "We're in a moment that requires a tremendous amount of vigilance to be able to vote for suppression efforts that are emanating around the country."

This is especially true in Georgia, which has been watched by voting rights advocates. One prominent group, the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University, reported recently that the state has removed 1.5 million voters from its rolls between 2012 and 2016, the number of the preceding four years, and that elections . The group said that it suggests that the process of purging voters is also necessary.

Mr. Kemp was a key proponent of the 2017 state law that requires an "exact match" between a vote and registration and his or her government documents, meaning a missing hyphen, or a difference between a married and a maiden name, can cause a registration to be suspended.

Mr. Kemp resisted calls to resign from his post as secretary of state during his gubernatorial run. He has always repeatedly asked me to say that Ms. Abrams said "the blue wave" should be "composed of those who are documented and undocumented." Abrams has noncitizens noncitizens should have their votes counted; Democrats are pledging to protect, if elected.

Georgians about it, "Mr. Kemp tweeted Wednesday," I do not know what's worse. "Either way, Stacey Abrams is too extreme for Georgia."

Ms. Abrams' campaign to the vote to mobilize voters, but Greg Shufeldt, a professor at Butler University who studies elections, says the state has a serious and lasting problem.

Georgia ranks 43rd out of 50 in election integrity, according to Mr. Shufeldt's measures.

That ranking is emblematic of almost a decade of fights between election rights and Mr. Kemp. Questions have long swirled around Mr. Kemp's office about issues.

To judge in September, one of Georgia 's request to force to ballot papers in the 2018 election. Still, in doing so, the judge wrote that "state election officials had buried their heads in the sand," about matters surrounding the state's election machinery.

Mr. Kemp's office of "excessive rejection" of absentee ballots in Gwinnett County, which is electorally important, widely diverse, and beginning to liberalize the state's demographics change.

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