Georgia's state representative Jason Spencer resigns following the rampage of Sacha Baron Cohen


Jason Spencer, the state representative Georgian, which attracted ridicule after shouting obscenities The show by Sacha Baron Cohen presented his resignation from the Georgia House of Representatives, confirmed the House's Washington Post Bureau Wednesday.

The notice of resignation of Spencer comes after his appearance on July 22. Cohen's Showtime series, "Who Is America?", In which Cohen fooled involuntarily public figures to participate in fake interviews or activities. In Spencer's case, Cohen disguised himself as an "anti-terrorist expert" and encouraged Spencer to participate in a self-defense class to protect himself against terrorist kidnappings.

As part of the "training," Spencer screamed the word multiple times while learning how to keep away a kidnapper; offered an offensive representation of a "Chinese tourist" using a selfie-stick to take pictures of a Muslim actor's dress to check a gun; and, finally, he dropped his pants and threatened Cohen threatening to touch him with his buttocks, which is said to "intimidate" the terrorists

"If you want to win, you show a skin" told him Cohen just before.

The strange behavior drew the wrath of Georgia House Speaker David Ralston (R), who had urged Spencer to resign.

After initially resisting, Spencer sent an email to the speaker that he would resign at 11 am on Tuesday, Ralston spokesman Kaleb McMichen said:

"This email / letter will serve as the official notice of resignation at your office that I will resign from my position on July 31, 2018, "wrote Spencer. McMichen said his office had forwarded Spencer's resignation notice to the governor's office

Spencer could not be reached immediately for a comment early Wednesday.

In a July 23 statement at the post office, Sp "He took advantage of my paralyzing fear that my family would be attacked." He claimed that he was assured that the video of his "self-defense exercises" would be used as a "demonstration video" to teach others the same skills in Israel. He previously claimed in a statement to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution that he had been told that the video would be used as "an educational aid to train elected officials who could be targeted by terrorists." "

Spencer claims his fear of the attack He was the victim of death threats after introducing a law in 2016 prohibiting Muslim women from wearing the burqa in public."

"Do you know how to recognize the difference between someone who is a terrorist in a burqa and a normal woman in a burqa? ", asks Cohen." Then, at Cohen's instruction, he stuck a stick of selfie under the dress of a burqa-clad person provided by Cohen and took a picture.There was no gun. "In another exercise, Cohen assured Spencer that the ISE terrorists are afraid to be touched by the buttocks of other men because they are afraid to become "homosexuals." At Cohen's instruction, Spencer, her buttocks exposed, chased to chase Cohen while shouting, "USA!"

The graphic video of the show in question is here.

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