Gerard Butler Holds Prestigious Fundraising for California Fire


Gerard Butler hosted stars at his home to raise funds for Woolsey's fire victims (Photo: Backgrid / PA)

After losing her home following the devastating wildfires in California last week, Gerard Butler organized a fundraiser to help fund the rebuilding process in the Malibu community.

The 49-year-old actor invited a host of stars into one of his Malibu properties on Friday night to support the Malibu Foundation, which was launched by a group of Malibu residents – including Miley Cyrus and Liam. Hemsworth, who also lost the house – as a result of last week's fire.

Jamie Foxx, Sean Penn, Cindy Crawford, Rande Gerber, Minnie Driver, The Edge and Robin Thicke, who also saw his house destroyed by the Woolsey fire, witnessed a massive demonstration of support for the Malibu community.

The Malibu Foundation shared several excerpts from the evening in Instagram Stories, in which Gerard thanked his guests for coming and pondered the impact of the terrible fires that took place in the region.

"Wow what rate of participation, thanks a lot for coming", was it possible to hear about the 300 star while he was approaching a scene lit by the candle at the edge of a large pool.

"At the moment, mothers and fathers only have shirts on their backs to explain to their children what happened to their home.

"And we are here tonight to try to remedy this situation, thank you very much everyone for coming.

During the evening, many celebrities attended performances, including a captivating rendition of Robin's hit killer Stand By Me, who was evacuated from home with his pregnant girlfriend April Love Geary, their eight-year-old daughter. month, Mia, and Robin. Julian's older son from a previous relationship last week.

Other stars who took the stage included Greg Holden; Grace Potter; Jamie Foxx; and Van Morrison, who performed a vivid interpretation of 1967, hit Brown Eyed Girl.

"We love you Van! Thank you for singing tonight to help the Malibu community at a fundraiser for forest fires that support @malibufoundation. I remain your number one fan, "wrote actress Roma Downey on Instagram next to a video of the performance.

Adding a special thanks to her friend Jamie, she wrote, "Also thanks to Jamie Foxx for singing again."

At one point, the guests were seen in front of a big screen showing the scenes of the fires of last week.

After the short film, a member of the Malibu Foundation gave a lively speech with his guests, in which he pledged to use the events of last week to bring about positive change.

"We will adapt, we will tackle climate change head-on," he said.

"We will no longer ignore it, we will no longer apologize.

"A community like Malibu can do that," he added.

When the time came for the Mystic River star, Sean to get on stage, the actor congratulated all the brave firefighters who "saved our homes" and "who risked their lives".

Participants shared a number of snapshots and clips of the evening using the hashtag #MalibuStrong and called on their fans to donate to those who were touched.

This fundraising would have raised nearly $ 2 million (£ 1.6 million), with participants pledging that 100% of the money would go to "the victims of this tragic fire."

Communicating a forest fire update a few hours later, the Malibu Foundation said the Woolsey fire, which burned 8,000 hectares, was 92% controlled, with experts seeking to control the fire from here. November 22nd.

The Malibu Foundation has made a positive assessment of the Woolsey Fire (Photo: Instagram / Malibu Foundation)

To help victims of the California wildfires, visit the Los Angeles Fire Department Foundation, the California Fire Foundation and the American Red Cross for more information.

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