German coalition reaches new agreement on controversial spies – POLITICO


Hans-Georg Maaßen will become special adviser to the Ministry of the Interior instead of playing a better paying role | Michele Tantussi / Getty Images

As a result of an uproar, the chief of national intelligence services under fire will no longer receive promotion.


The partners of the German government coalition agreed on Sunday to move the head of the national intelligence service to a new position with the same pay after suffering a negative reaction to their decision to promote it.

Instead of moving to a better-paid role within the Interior Ministry, Hans-Georg Maaßen will become special adviser to the ministry on European and international issues, including migration, the minister said. Interior Horst Seehofer at a press conference.

"In politics, people's reactions have to be taken into account," said Mr Seehofer.

Maassen's fate became the subject of a power struggle, with Chancellor Angela Merkel and the Social Democrats (SPD) on one side – both wanting to remove Maaßen – and Seehofer on the other. The head of the Bavarian Social Christian Union, Mr Seehofer, defended the intelligence chief as he criticized his reaction to anti-immigrant protests in the city of Chemnitz.

Maassen had contradicted the Chancellor's assertion that there had been a "manhunt" against foreigners in Chemnitz following the death of a German, allegedly in the hands of at least two refugees. Maassen also expressed doubts about the authenticity of a video showing men from the region in pursuit of refugees – but has proved unable to justify his claims.

The initial decision to appoint Maaßen as Secretary of State at the Ministry of the Interior sparked widespread anger and misunderstanding, particularly within the SPD, as it meant that one of their secretaries was unable to do so. State should leave the ministry to give way to Maaßen.

Seehofer insisted Sunday that the conflict over Maassen had never threatened the stability of the coalition.

"There has never been a debate or threat regarding the dissolution of the coalition," he said.

SPD leader Andrea Nahles described the new decision as a "good sign" for the coalition and said the parties could "go back over the main issues".

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