German interference in US politics and Trump's foreign policy triggers brutal reprimand from GOP senators


German interference in the American political system as a means of countering President Trump's foreign policy agenda has provoked strong criticism from Republican senators.

There was no conflict between Trump and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. trade, Iran, the Israeli capital Jerusalem and NATO.

German politicians have been criticizing the Trump administration in recent weeks, criticizing in particular the president's decision to withdraw the United States from the Iranian nuclear deal.

Maas, the German Social Democrat Minister for Foreign Affairs and passionate advocate of the agreement on Iran, said on Wednesday: "America is bigger than the White House, Trump does not will not change either, he can tweet as much as he wants. "

  Berlin, Germany - March 20: Niels Annen, German Social Democrat (SPD), Minister of State at the Federal Foreign Office, captured on March 20, 2018 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo: Inga Kjer / Photo Gallery via Getty Images)

Niels Annen (photo) calls for direct intervention in American politics beyond the White House, urging explicit lobbying by governors, members of Congress and senators to benefit from German commercial policy


In a recent interview with German magazine Der Spiegel, Maas Social Democrat colleague Niels Annen called for direct intervention in American politics beyond the White House. as a means of benefiting from German commercial policy.

Leading members of the party of the Christian Democratic Union of Angela Merkel also attacked Trump.

Friedrich Merz, a former leader of Merkel's coalition in the German parliament, today president of the Atlantic Bridge, an NGO dedicated to promoting German-American understanding, told the Welt newspaper am Sonntag: "We Europeans must redefine our role in this world, at least in our minds, without the United States."

Merz also called for intervention in American politics, saying that it is necessary "to intensify the dialogue with social and political groups in America who do not follow the war cry" America First "and who, like us Europeans, feel a common and mutual responsibility for an open and free society "

The attacks come after Richard Grenell, the US ambassador to Germany, said in a Breitbart interview last month that he wants to" strengthen other conservatives across Europe. " "[19659003] Grenell, a former Fox News contributor and a fierce opponent of Iran's bellicose policy, urged Germany to relax its affairs with Iran and prevent Iran's Mahan Air to enter the German airspace.

  (GERMANY OUT) Friedrich Merz (Vorsitzender of the deutsch-amerikanischen Netzwerks Atlantik-Brücke) in the ZDF-Talkshow "maybrit illner" am 08.05.2014 in Berlin Thema der Sendung: Putin-Versteher or Amerika-Freund - Muss Deutschland sich entscheiden? (Photo by Müller-Stauffenberg / ullstein bild via Getty Images)

Friedrich Merz (pictured) also called for an intervention in American politics, saying that it is necessary "to intensify the dialogue with the social and political groups and institutions in America that do not follow the war cry "America first"



At a meeting last month with the US Public Affairs Committee of Israel, Grenell revealed: "We know that Mahan Air was used by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps [IRGC] as a way to transportation for weapons, resources and combatants, we ask our allies to help us stop it. " 19659003] As a result of German interference, Senator Ted Cruz, R-Texas, told Fox News that it was "distressing" that some German politicians are tying their relationship with America for maintain links with this type of plan. "It is in the interest of all our allies to comply with US sanctions against Iran, including those that have been adopted by successive US Congresses and confirmed by successive US presidents," he said. said Mr. Cruz. "In recent weeks, the ayatollahs have been caught driving terrorism in Europe and launching cyberattacks against us and our allies."

  Richard Grenell Ted Cruz AP

US Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell (left) Senator Ted Cruz (pictured right) told AFP that he was "distressing That some German politicians have strained relations with America to maintain links with this type of regime [Iran]

(19659007) Cruz added: "The main political and military personalities of Iran have threatened to d & rsquo; Prevent navigation across the Gulf, and this week, President Rouhani threatened the West with the "mother of all wars."

Senator Marco Rubio, R-Fla., Said to Fox News: "I hope that Germany and our other allies in Europe will finally stand on the right side of history and support the reimposition of sanctions against Iran. In addition to being the largest sponsor of terrorism and a nuclear proliferator, the Iranian regime is directly complicit in the Syrian tragedy, the worst humanitarian crisis in the world since World War II.

Senators Cruz and Rubio, along with eight other Republican senators, sent Thursday a letter to the ambassadors of Germany, France and the United Kingdom, urging their governments not to evade or not circumvent US sanctions that will be reimposed on Iran.

In the letter, Senators told the major European powers: "We are writing to urge you to respect all US sanctions, but also to emphasize that we would find it particularly troubling if you tried to evade to undermine US laws, "adding that" these laws were passed Congress, signed by President Obama, will be enforced by President Trump. "

I hope that Germany and our other allies in Europe will stand on the right side of history and will support The reimposition of sanctions against Iran

– Senator Marco Rubio, R-Fla

The letter added: "Any attempt to circumventing or subverting them could prompt Congress to act in coordination with other elements of the US Government.


When asked about the criticism of Senators Rubio and Cruz, a German Foreign Ministry spokesman said: "Whoever the President is that the President Trump described as an enemy, I do not consider the United States as an adversary, but rather as our partner and ally out of the EU "

Iran, North Korea, Syria and Pakistan efforts to expand their arsenal of conventional weapons through the production of weapons of mass destruction

– Bavarian Intelligence Agency

The spokesman of the Foreign Ministry wrote that Maas had already said about l & rsquo; Iran: people with different attitudes towards Iran. Iran and its ballistic missile program, the role it plays in the region, particularly what it is doing in Syria – all of this is anything but acceptable. But the fact is that getting rid of the security framework that [nuclear deal] represents would not help; In fact, it would be much more difficult to tackle these problems successfully. "

The Merkel Administration has gone to great lengths to promote the Iranian nuclear agreement that aims to limit Iran's nuclear weapons ambitions.

The Report State Intelligence concluded that the Iranian regime was working to transform its conventional military weapons into a system of weapons of mass destruction.

19659003] "Iran, North Korea , Syria and Pakistan are making efforts to expand their arsenal of conventional weapons through the production of weapons of mass destruction, "writes the Bavarian Intelligence Agency, the approximate equivalent of the FBI. Germany for its trade surplus with the United States, which had a huge $ 64 billion surplus from the trade surplus with America in 2017.

The President ab He complained that German luxury cars are flooding the markets

Trump's rigorous bargaining style influenced a change in the safe behavior of Germany at the NATO conference in Brussels in July

went to the United States. offensive by noting that Germany was "totally controlled by Russia" because the richest country in Europe depends on Russia's natural gas.

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