Germany and China lobbied against US commercial tariffs


In addition to multiple cooperative projects between government agencies, companies like BASF, BMW, Volkswagen, Daimler, Siemens and Bosch have announced agreements and partnerships.

"Free trade plays an important role for both parties and for the global economy," Li told the Chancellery in Berlin. 19659009] On Friday, US President Donald Trump imposed a 25% tariff on Chinese products worth $ 34 billion in response to Beijing's complaints or pressure on technology. Trump has also imposed tariffs on aluminum and steel imports that include the European Union and has threatened additional duties on products like automobiles, particularly Germany. .

The Bavarian automaker BMW has already been caught in the midst of escalating trade disputes between the US and China, saying Monday that it should raise SUV prices that it built in the United States that it exports to China, after Beijing has increased the tax on the import. "We have a lot of direct investment in the United States of America, we have a lot of direct investment in China," said Merkel.

is an interdependent multilateral system that, at best, is most often a plurilateral win-win situation when we follow the rules. "

She also congratulated China for easing the rules on foreign investment, saying it was important to see" the opening of China's market in this area is not only words but is also followed by deeds. "

In an agreement finalized Monday, the Chinese company CATL announced that it would build a plant in the German state of Thuringia builds batteries to equip BMW for electric cars

BMW announces that it has bought 4 billion euros worth of batteries, with 1.5 billion euros in sales in Germany and 2.5 billion in China. [19659017MerkeladeclareappreatedinGermanyproductandtechnologyquickwerenotavailablebefore

But she added, "If we could do it ourselves, I would not be sad either."

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