Germany joins US-led airstrikes in Syria – report | News | DW


The German Defense Ministry is said to be in talks with its US counterpart for details on the possibility for the Bundeswehr to join possible air strikes by US, British and French forces on Syrian targets, mass circulation in Germany. Bild newspaper reported Monday.

According to the report, German Conservative Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen responded to a request from the United States, followed by a meeting of senior military and ministerial officials from both countries.

According to the article, German fighter jets could participate in combat missions alongside their American, British and French counterparts.

Only in case of chemical attack

The Bundeswehr would only participate in air strikes in the case of another chemical attack. In April, President Bashar Assad was accused by Western powers of having used chemical weapons during an attack on Duma, which claimed more than 70 lives.

In response,

French forces bombed three governments
in Syria in response to the chemical attack in Douma. Russia rejected Western claims that the Assad regime was behind the attacks. The air strikes conducted by the United States were considered the most important attack of allied powers in the civil war in Syria.

If Germany joins the alliance, it risks a direct confrontation with Russia, which supports Assad.

The decision, which should be approved by the Chancery, would be an allusion to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who has already said that Germany would not participate in "military missions" in Syria.

Read more:

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The report goes on to say that Bundeswehr forces could also participate in reconnaissance flights after a possible attack, also known as "combat damage assessment".

The Bundeswehr is already active in Syria, but does not participate in combat missions.

Germans skeptical about combat missions

Many Germans are skeptical about their

armed forces engaged in combat missions for historical reasons.

Social Democracy (SPD) President Andrea Nahles reacted to the report saying that "the SPD will not accept Germany joining the war in Syria, nor in parliament nor in government", according to the press agency dpa. The Social Democrats form a grand coalition with Mrs Merkel's CDU party.

The Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defense would not comment on the report, but Bild that they were "in close contact with our American ally". They also stressed the importance of avoiding further escalation in Syria, particularly with regard to "the use of chemical weapons, which the Assad regime has used in the past".

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