Germany Seeks to Calm Trump's Northern Stream Concerns By Protecting Ukraine Gas Route

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Donald Trump repeated his view that the EU should be importing gas from America instead of Russia during a press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki on Monday (Chris Ratcliffe / Bloomberg)

Following Donald Trump's blistering criticism of Germany's decision to approve a new Russian gas pipeline under the Baltic Sea bypassing Ukraine, Berlin is today hosting a meeting with Russian and Ukrainian officials to try to calm the waters.

Trump It is unfair that the United States is expected to protect Germany from Russia, but at the same time Berlin is making gas deals with Moscow

Trump repeated the criticism yesterday at a press conference following a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, saying Germany has Liquefied natural gas (LNG)


The controversy surrounding the proposed pipeline is not new. The European Union says that the European Union is one of the most important countries in the world. Washington is urging the objectors on.

The US is also concerned that the pipeline is an effort to punish Ukraine by cutting it out of the loop, sending gas to Europe via the Baltic Sea and shutting down the taps to the existing southern route via Ukraine.

Deep freeze

Berlin has argued that the new pipeline will enhance the EU's energy security – specifically the security situation in Moscow and Kiev are having a dispute.

Germany says the new pipeline, which would follow the route of an existing pipeline called Nord Stream 1, doubling the road's capacity, would protect the EU from such interruptions. But this is also the biggest criticism of the pipeline, because it suggests that it could easily be cut off from Ukraine during future disputes without objections from the EU.

If Ukraine were completely shut out of the loop, it would lose billions of dollars in gas transit fees. Earlier this year the existing pipeline surpassed the Ukraine route becoming the main supply route to the EU for Russian gas. It now supplies 36% of the total volume, compared to 34% through Ukraine.

At the meeting today in Berlin, German officials will urge Russia to guarantee that it will and that the road will continue to be commercially viable. In particular, today's talks will focus on extending the gas transit contract between Moscow and Kiev, which expires at the end of 2019, and on guaranteeing minimum volumes that Russia will deliver through Ukraine.

But given the huge capacity that the new double Many objectors

Angela Merkel has shown signs that she is souring on the pipeline, saying in April that it should not go ahead unless Moscow gives guarantees that Ukraine will be protected. Although it had been previously argued that the subject of the study should not be allowed to enter the pipeline, it should be noted that the United States of America (19659003) can not veto the pipeline, it is their proxies that must be convinced. The Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, who earlier this year called the "weapon of hybrid warfare". The leaders of the Baltic states also

EU Energy Vice President Maroš Šefčovič, who will be leading the talks for the EU side today, is also against the pipeline. Šefčovič, who is from Slovakia, has said the pipeline is not in line with the EU's strategy to diversify gas supply routes.

The issue is unlikely to be resolved today between Ukraine's Naftogaz and Russia's Gazprom. Ukraine has been attacked by Gazprom as a result of a $ 2.6 billion verdict award from an international arbitration panel in Stockholm earlier this year.

The panel found that Gazprom violates contracts with Haftogaz in 2009, but Russia is disputing the verdict.


Donald Trump repeated his view that the EU should be importing gas from America instead of Russia during a press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki on Monday (Chris Ratcliffe / Bloomberg)

Following Donald Trump's Blistering criticism of Germany's decision to approve a new Russian gas pipeline under the Baltic Sea bypassing Ukraine, Berlin is today hosting a meeting with Russian and Ukrainian officials to try to calm the waters.

Trump opened his explosive appearance at a Brussels NATO summit last week by saying it was unfair that the United States is expected to protect Germany from Russia, but at the same time Russian Federation Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, saying Germany and other European countries should instead of importing American

Trump repeated the criticism yesterday Liquefied natural gas (LNG)

The controversy surrounding the proposed pipeline is not new. The European Union says that the European Union is one of the most important countries in the world. Washington is urging the objectors on.

The US is also concerned that the pipeline is an effort to punish Ukraine by cutting it out of the loop, sending gas to Europe via the Baltic Sea and shutting down the taps to the existing southern route via Ukraine.

Deep freeze

Berlin has argued that the new pipeline will enhance the EU's energy security – specifically the security situation in Moscow and Kiev are having a dispute.

Germany says the new pipeline, which would follow the route of an existing pipeline called Nord Stream 1, doubling the road's capacity, would protect the EU from such interruptions. But this is also the biggest criticism of the pipeline, because it suggests that it could easily be cut off from Ukraine during future disputes without objections from the EU.

If Ukraine were completely shut out of the loop, it would lose billions of dollars in gas transit fees. Earlier this year the existing pipeline surpassed the Ukraine route becoming the main supply route to the EU for Russian gas. It now supplies 36% of the total volume, compared to 34% through Ukraine.

At the meeting today in Berlin, German officials will urge Russia to guarantee that it will and that the road will continue to be commercially viable. In particular, today's talks will focus on extending the gas transit contract between Moscow and Kiev, which expires at the end of 2019, and on guaranteeing minimum volumes that Russia will deliver through Ukraine.

But given the huge capacity that the new double Many objectors

Angela Merkel has shown signs that she is souring on the pipeline, saying in April that it should not go ahead unless Moscow gives guarantees that Ukraine will be protected. Although it had been previously argued that the subject of the study should not be allowed to enter the pipeline, it should be noted that the United States of America (19659003) can not veto the pipeline, it is their proxies that must be convinced. The Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, who earlier this year called the "weapon of hybrid warfare". The leaders of the Baltic states also

EU Energy Vice President Maroš Šefčovič, who will be leading the talks for the EU side today, is also against the pipeline. Šefčovič, who is from Slovakia, has said the pipeline is not in line with the EU's strategy to diversify gas supply routes.

The issue is unlikely to be resolved today between Ukraine's Naftogaz and Russia's Gazprom. Ukraine has been attacked by Gazprom as a result of a $ 2.6 billion verdict award from an international arbitration panel in Stockholm earlier this year.

The panel found that Gazprom violates contracts with Haftogaz in 2009, but Russia is disputing the verdict.

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