Get vaccinated against the flu now – for your benefit and that of your neighbors



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Dr. Patricia Schnabel Ruppert, University Medical Center of Columbia

(THE CONVERSATION) If you do nothing else in the next few days, get vaccinated against the flu.

The best time to get the flu shot is by the end of October, advises the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Given the severity of the flu last year, it is particularly important that all people over six months of age are vaccinated. This includes pregnant women.

The CDC reported that last year's flu killed 80,000 people, making it the most deadly flu epidemic in decades. In addition, about 710,000 people were hospitalized because of this.

As of October 6, 2018, 183 of these deaths had occurred in children, the CDC reported. In addition, there has been a pediatric death in the current influenza season. And 80% of children who died last year at the same time as the deaths of children recently in pediatrics had not been vaccinated.

You play an important role in fighting the spread of the flu, not just for yourself, but for others. As a physician and public health professional who has treated many people with the flu, I will explain why.

Protect yourself, protect others

The influenza vaccine has been shown to be one of the most important preventative measures against the flu. Although the effectiveness of the vaccine may vary – and last year's rate was low (about 40%) – this still meant that the influenza vaccine reduced the overall risk of seeing a doctor for treatment by 40%. However, given the severity of the disease, you need all the protection you can get.

And the vaccine reduces the severity and potential complications of your disease if you catch the flu. A large study published in 2017 on hospitalized patients during the 2013-2014 influenza season showed that vaccinated adults had a 52-79% lower risk of death than unvaccinated patients. In other words, a hospitalized flu patient who had not been vaccinated was two to five times more likely to die than a vaccinated person.

Almost everyone can get the flu shot. Exceptions include infants under six months of age and people with severe influenza vaccine reactions, such as anaphylaxis, a life-threatening reaction.

Some people get hives from eggs, but this is not considered a serious reaction. If you are one of these people, you can still get flu shots from standard providers. Even those with severe egg allergy can be vaccinated against influenza in a medical setting.

Getting the vaccine is not only good for you but also for the wider community. About 70% of the population must receive the influenza vaccine to ensure what we call "group immunity".
. "This happens when a critical part of a community is immune to a contagious disease.

When this happens, most community members, including those who are not vaccinated, are protected against this disease as there is little possibility of an outbreak. Even those who are not eligible for some vaccines are protected because the spread of the contagious disease is controlled. This can effectively stop the spread of the disease in the community.

You might even consider receiving the vaccine as a civic duty.

Other things to know

Although the vaccine has proven to be one of the most important preventative measures against influenza, you can also do something else. Wash your hands. If you cough or sneeze, cover your mouth or nose with your sleeve, not your hands. Avoid those who are sick. Stay at home if you are sick.

Antiviral drugs can help you feel better if you get the flu, but they must be started early in your illness. You should therefore contact your health care provider as soon as the symptoms appear.

A new, higher dose vaccine is available for the elderly. If you are 65 or older, ask your doctor for advice. Approximately 54 to 70% of influenza-related hospitalizations occur in people 65 years of age and older. No matter what formulation you receive, it is essential to be vaccinated. Do not miss the opportunity to do it.

Do not forget that the vaccine will not give you the flu. Indeed, current vaccines are made with killed viruses. A killed virus can not infect anyone. If you hear someone say that he has had symptoms after receiving the vaccine, it may be because he had been exposed to the flu before being vaccinated.

Even if you can not see your doctor or pharmacy before the end of October, you should still get the flu shot. Although the best immunity is conferred if you receive the vaccine sooner, you will be protected.

And remember, even if it does not fit perfectly, it can protect you and your loved ones against a life-threatening but preventable disease.

Good advice: stay home if you have the flu. Best advice: get vaccinated against the flu!

Editor 's Note: This is an updated version of an article originally published on October 23, 2016.

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article here:

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