Giant Beto O 'Rourke signs on Texas Lawn threats emanating from the association of "hostile" owners


A large panel painted on the lawn of a Texas family in support of Democratic candidate Beto O'Rourke, who is running to overthrow Republican Senator Ted Cruz, has sparked a dispute with a homeowners' association.

"The HOA has sent us a letter stating that we are not complying with the regulations because we have a" political sign painted in the lawn, "said Shannon Bennett of Katy, Texas, in a Facebook publication. given five days to "remove" the sign (but also gave us until Oct. 30 in another section and gave us 30 days to request a hearing in another section). And they threatened to take it off themselves if we do not do it. "

The sign "BETO", painted in large white capitals with a black background, is on the lawn of Bennett's home about 30 miles west of Houston.

Speaking in McClatchy newspapers, Bennett said the HOA president had confronted the family about the sign before she, her husband and children even finished painting her .

"He was very hostile," said Bennett. "It's really a shock that they have become so angry."

The HOA did not immediately respond to NewsweekRequest for comment Saturday.

The risk manager, Steve Jordan, for a management company used by the HOA, Real Manage, told the Houston Chronicle the violation and the notification sent by the HOA were not based on political reasons.

"It's not a violation for them to place a political signboard, it's the type of signpost they actually placed on their property, that is, a very great grass painting of their front yard, "Jordan said. "This is a violation of the landscaping and signage .This has nothing to do with any political signage." No matter what kind of signage this nature would constitute a violation. "

In a statement to KTRK-TV, the Chesterfield Community Association stated that its rules are "consistent with state law and section 202.009 of the Texas Property Code".

"It forbids political signs that are attached to plant material," said the HOA. "The association has provided its owner with a notification letter giving him the opportunity to remedy his violation."

The code cited by the HOA states that Texas law "does not prohibit the application or the adoption of a covenant prohibiting panels containing … a landscaping", among others.

Signs of Beto O. Rourke painted on a Texas lawn threaten the association of homeowners association A large panel painted on the lawn of a Texas house to support the Democratic nominee for governorship, Beto O. Rourke, has pushed the Homeowners Association to threaten lawsuits. Shannon Bennett / Facebook

According to Texas law, "an association of owners can not enforce or adopt a restrictive clause prohibiting an owner from displaying on his property one or more signs announcing a political candidate or a ballot for an election as of 90 days before the date of the election to which the sign relates, or before the tenth day after the date of that election. "

Bennett said to the the Chronicle that she and her family "studied this page very carefully "before painting the signboard and did not believe that it was violating the restrictions to the act." On Facebook, Bennett announced that she would ask an interview with the HOA about the poster.

"It's grass, right? Just mow it and you're done. It's so temporary, "Bennett told McClatchy. "The code that he told us we had violated is the landscaping code.I said, 'This is not landscaping, it's a temporary design on the ground ".

O & # 39; Rourke has been approved in recent days. Houston ChronicleA document that has long been supporting conservative candidates for president positions, said he still supported the removal of President Donald Trump for possible collusion and obstruction of justice by Russia in a CNN city hall.

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