Gillum: Trump, GOP opponent providing "cover" to violent extremists


Florida gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum (D) at a rally for the election campaign on Tuesday called his Republican opponent, as well as President TrumpDonald John Trump, Mayor of Pittsburgh: Our priority is funerals and not Trump's visit. Trump says he'll answer Mueller's "some" questions. Trump: "Dishonest" to say that I called all the media "the enemy of the people".to provide "cover" for violent extremists.

Gillum criticized his opponent in the race for governor, former representative. Ron DeSantisRonald Dion DeSantisGillum: "Trump's goal is to scare each other" Countdown to elections: Violence throws cloud before mid-term | Clinton opens at 2020 | Trump calls Gillum a "thief" | Dems are worried about the mid-term message | The mid-term advertisement for Trump Camp does not tell President Trump to make his last mid-point push with 11 rallies in six days. MORE (R-Fla.), To be allied with Trump.

"[DeSantis] is now joined by Donald Trump and the distraction campaign and the campaign of division and derision, a campaign to make us fearful so that we can not see each other's humanity, a campaign that covers people who are now taking their political differences and going beyond them to create political violence, "he said.

"It's unacceptable, it's a civilized society, it's not the American way," he added.

Gillum's comments come a few days after the killing of 11 people in a Pittsburgh synagogue. A white man killed two black shoppers in a Kentucky supermarket. Cesar Sayoc Jr. was arrested for sending more than a dozen bombs to prominent Trump critics.

Gillum told his supporters that the November 6 midterm elections were an opportunity "to send a flawless tone that we will not accept the politics of division, that we will not not to give in to hate, that we will not cover racists, xenophobes and fanatics. "

The former mayor of Tallahassee made similar remarks Tuesday in "The Daily Show", saying that DeSantis had given "too many ways to racists, xenophobes and anti-Semites".

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