Girl Shielded Her Twin Brothers As Pickup Struck And Killed Them At Stop Bus' CBS Denver


(CNN) – A 9-year-old girl crossing the street to catch the bus school held her twin brothers' hands and shielded them before they were fatally struck by a pickup truck in rural Indiana, according to her uncle.

Elgin Ingle told CNN affiliate WRTV that his niece, Alivia Stahl, was a 6-year-old Xzavier and Mason Ingle.

He commended Alivia for her bravery in her last moments.

"To her I say, way to be a badass, man. She had a second split, "he told the Indianapolis TV station.

Girl Shielded Her Twin Brothers As Pickup Struck And Killed Them At Bus Stop

Alivia Stahl, Xzavier and Mason Ingle (CBS)

Their mother, Ingle said, ran to them immediately after the crash Tuesday morning but was stunned.

"How do you decide which child is on the road?" He asked.

What happened

It was about 7:15 AM on Tuesday when the children flocked to Rochester to catch their school bus, waiting on the other side with its flashing arm and flashing, Indiana State Police said. Alyssa L. Shepherd, 24, driving in a 2017 Toyota Tacoma, struck and killed the children, said authorities.

s101031623 Girl Shielded Her Twin Brothers As Pickup Struck And Killed Them At Bus Stop

Alyssa L. Shepherd, 24, faces reckless homicide charges. (CNN)

All three siblings died at the scene.

Another student unrelated to them was also struck at Parkview Hospital in Fort Wayne with multiple broken bones and internal injuries, police said. The family of Maverik Lowe issued a statement Wednesday, saying the boy was in stable condition. "We would like to thank those who have prayed for our family and the families of those involved in yesterday's tragedy."

Shepherd faces three felony charges of reckless homicide and a misdemeanor of passing a school bus with the arm extended.

She stayed at the scene of the accident, police said Shepherd was arrested at her workplace later Tuesday. She was released on a $ 15,000 bond, according to Jail Commander Catherine Collins, and is scheduled to make a first appearance.

s101031622 Girl Shielded Her Twin Brothers As Pickup Struck And Killed Them At Bus Stop

The motorist in the fatal accident was driving a 2017 Toyota Tacoma. (CNN)

The boys 'life spark' and their sister was a go-getter

All three of the children were shy, their uncle said, but each had vivacious personalities underneath.

"The two boys were a spark spark," Ingle told WRTV. "They were happy nonstop, jump high, go fast boys."

Alivia, he recalled, showed bravery and compassion throughout her short life.

"There's no stopping Alivia. She sets a goal, she goes and gets it. She's helpful. She's attentive to other people's needs. She's what you want in a child. "

Helping the family in the tragedy

Ingle, like the rest of his family, is navigating how to help the parents through this tragedy while he grieves.

"What do you tell your little brother when he just wants to?" He said, according to WRTV

There was no reason they needed to be taken from the family, he said. He is sending this message to drivers: "Pay attention. It's not your kids you're going to kill when you look down. "

(The-CNN-Wire ™ & 2018 Cable News Network, Inc., a Time Warner Company.)

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