Giuliani once congratulated Michael Cohen for his "honesty," but now he says that Cohen "lied all his life."


This is a radical reversal from what Giuliani said about Cohen, whom he described as truthful not long ago.

In May, Giuliani said that Cohen was "honest," and a few weeks ago he said that he did not think Cohen would lie by saying, "I think he's going to tell the truth ".

Giuliani's criticism of Cohen now follows a series of reports that led the president to take on his former lawyer.

First, CNN got a record of a conversation between Cohen and Trump starting in 2016, discussing how they would buy rights on a story. Playboy mannequin about an alleged affair. Then, citing sources with knowledge of the situation, CNN reported that Cohen claimed that Trump knew in advance the June 2016 meeting at Trump Tower, during which the Russians were going to offer Hillary Clinton his campaign election.

The Trump Tower meeting, Giuliani told CNN Chris Cuomo Thursday that Cohen "has been lying for years … he has been lying all his life," and said he "does not see how he has credibility. " Giuliani also stated that Cohen was described as a "pathological liar". However, a few weeks ago, Giuliani said, "I'm not expecting Michael Cohen to lie," during an interview with CNN's Dana Bash in response to the question of whether or not he was "deadly". he thought that Cohen was going to turn around. "I think he's going to tell the truth the better he can," added Giuliani.

Giuliani was even more explicit in his praise of Cohen in May, saying that Cohen is "an honest and honorable lawyer" when George Stephanopoulos of ABC asked if he was worried that Cohen, who is under criminal investigation by the US Attorney's Office in Manhattan, would cooperate with prosecutors.

How the dynamics between Trump and Cohen changed

In April, Trump said in a tweet that Cohen was "a good person … whom I have always loved and respected".
But after the release of Trump-Cohen's recording, Trump criticized his former lawyer, saying Wednesday, "What kind of lawyer would a customer register? So sad!"
On Friday, Trump denied knowing in advance the controversial Trump Tower meeting of 2016, and suggested that Cohen was not truthful. "It seems to me that someone is trying to tell stories to get out of a jam without any connection," the president tweeted.
  20 times Trump and his allies denied having knowledge of the Trump Tower meeting 2016


"No defense lawyer would say that". Goldberg said.

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