Glencore's actions give up after the Ministry of Justice's summons


But the company has criticized for its previous relationship with Dan Gertler, an Israeli businessman who runs mining companies in the Congo and who has close ties with Joseph Kabila, the country's president.

Gertler in December, raising questions about the undervaluation of mining assets that were sold to companies with ties to the billionaire. Such arrangements resulted in a $ 1.36 billion loss of revenue for the Congolese government, according to a statement announcing the sanctions. Mr. Gertler denied wrongdoing

Under these sanctions, the Israeli businessman was essentially excluded from the US financial system – and those who did business with him were also subject to potential sanctions.

Glencore cut ties with Mr. Gertler shortly thereafter, leading to a legal dispute between the company and his former trading partner over unpaid royalties from interests in two Congolese mines. Glencore and Mr. Gertler settled this fight last month, as the company agreed to make royalty payments in euros, rather than dollars, through a non-US financial institution to avoid to violate the sanctions of the Treasury Department.

Helped Glencore avoid the seizure of mining assets in the Congo after Mr. Gertler obtained a favorable court ruling in that country.

The relationship with Mr. Gertler is also examined in Britain, where prosecutors investigate

Glencore originates from the operations of trader Marc Rich, accused of tax evasion in the United States and pardoned later by President Bill Clinton. Since 2002, the company is headed by Ivan Glasenberg, who began his career as a coal trader and whose competitive trader instincts have shaped his corporate culture.

The company has experienced other difficult times since its IPO.

The price of its stock fell sharply in 2015, when commodity prices fell, prompting investors to worry about whether the company could meet its the debt. The stock price had partly recovered when commodity prices rose and after the company sold assets and issued new shares to pay off its debt.

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