Glenn Simpson of GPS Fusion Rejects House Committee Request to Testify


An aide to the Republican House Judiciary Committee told CNN that this committee is expecting him to appear in accordance with the subpoena, although Simpson 's attorney has stated that he is not going to testify. he would not answer the questions put to the panel.

The Speaker of the House Intelligence Committee, Devin Nunes, used a similar tactic when his panel summoned Simpson to appear last year, although he eventually testified before this committee voluntarily.

Simpson on Thursday threw out a subpoena to the House Judiciary Committee asking him to appear before the committee next week for a confidential statement, according to a letter sent by his lawyers.

"Instead, he will invoke his constitutional rights not to testify under the first and fifth amendments of the Constitution," says the letter.

In the letter to committee chair Bob Goodlatte, Simpson's lawyers questioned the committee's motives for investigation, saying "the investigation is not about discovering the truth".

"The obvious purpose – and sometimes explicitly stated – of this committee is to discredit and otherwise hurt the witnesses of Russia's interference in the 2016 election, all in order to protect a president who tried to calm and win the favors of the government, a hostile foreign power and who asks the Ministry of Justice to stop investigating him, "the letter continues.

Since it was alleged for the first time that Russia had intervened in the 2016 election, numerous investigations have been conducted into possible collusion between Trump campaigners and the Kremlin. President Donald Trump repeatedly denied all accusations of collusion.

Fusion GPS is the company that commissioned an opposition search file on Trump and Russia drafted by former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele, some of whose parts have not been confirmed . Trump rejected the file as "false" and "fraudulent".

The letter states that "the committee repeatedly interrogated witnesses in secret, only to selectively flee interviews in order to denigrate these witnesses and to promulgate a manifestly false story." He also notes that Simpson has testified before three congressional committees.

"The Committee declined to define the scope of the evidence, but its members have already falsely accused Mr. Simpson of" lying "- a sufficient reason to be concerned that this Committee is only seeking to falsely incriminate Mr. Simpson." , the letter said. "Thus, the significance of a subpoena to appear to Mr. Simpson for a closed-door testimony by politicians who have already shown abundant bad faith leaves him only the decision not to testify on its constitutional rights guaranteed by the first and fifth amendments. "

The letter indicates that the proposed date for the testimony is October 16. At the end of September, Simpson's lawyer sent a similar letter criticizing the committee when he refused a voluntary interview, prompting Goodlatte's subpoena.

GPS Fusion also began a court battle against subpoenas of intelligence committees from the firm's House Banking Accounts last year. Simpson testified before the House and Senate Intelligence Committees and the Senate Judiciary Committee.

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