Glenn Weiss Wins Emmy Award for Oscars, Propose Onstage


Glenn Weiss, who won an Emmy for directing this year's Oscars, has nominated Jan Svendsen to perform on stage. Kevin Winter / Getty Images

The 70th edition of Primetime Emmy Awards last night was rather ordinary. Celebrities made jokes about Hollywood being incredibly dominated by white characters and white actors, and the television broadcast itself seemed like an eternity.

But a sparkling moment came when Glenn Weiss, who had just won an Emmy for outstanding leadership of a variety program for his work at the last Academy Awards, offered his girlfriend, Jan Svendsen, produce on stage. It goes without saying that a talented master of ceremonies will know exactly how to create a television moment for ages.

In fact, the only people more shocked than Svendsen (who, of course, said yes) were all delighted public stars, who were clearly not used to seeing such a show of emotion at an event as well. organized as the Emmys.

Just take a look at the video: Sterling K. Brown, who presented the prize to Weiss, gasped when the winner revealed that the ring he presented at Svendsen was his recently deceased mother. . Claire Foy wiped ecstatic tears from her eyes. Javier Bardem seemed to have won a trip to the moon. The audience stood up and applauded.

It was sweet, touching and, like many of the series' victories last night, totally unexpected.

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